Designing healthy and inclusive cities

Call Information
Proposal Information

The city of Eindhoven has agreed a long term strategic approach for the redevelopment of its city centre. This strategy aims to create a city centre that is: Accessible for all Offers a high quality of public space, both in terms of health and in terms of economically viable and vibrant Is inclusive and offers the public space for all groups in society Is sustainable and environmentally sound, limiting pollution of soil, air and noise Is innovative These ambitions fit perfectly with the objectives of the current call on health and wellbeing in cities. Therefore, Eindhoven is looking for: Already active consortia on this call which may be looking for additional living labs and which would consider Eindhoven and local partners as an interesting addition to their consortium.

Interested partners of the types described in this partner search, that are interested in joining us and develop a consortium for this call.

Project Budget
€10-13 mln
Duration of Project
3-4 years
Partners Involved
city of Eindhoven
Deadline for Expression of Interest
European Commission Contribution
+/- €10,000,000 per project