ENVRIplus, a Horizon 2020 project bringing together Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures, is organising on 4th June an interactive event combining talks, panel discussions, and science market format on the European Environmental Research Infrastructures and the results of their joint collaboration. Agenda Welcome and introduction 9 – 10 am Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRIs) and their impact ESFRI perspective on collaborating research infrastructures Collaboration for better science 10 – 11 am This session shows examples on how the collaboration among the RI increased their capacity to advance science in their individual fields, and how interdisciplinary science helped tackling the global environmental challenges. Example cases: Methane measurement campaign on the Black Sea Multidisciplinary transnational access to research facilities and services Interoperability of data, applications and services Collaboration for enhanced synergies   11:30 am – 12:30 pm Development of re–usable technologies, policies, and skills for common RI challenges help to create more consistent products and services across Ris. It also brings significant synergy benefits, improving the RI development and progress. As research infrastructures are major investments, this dual cost-benefit increase has potential for very large leverage effects on societal benefits. Exampe cases: RIs sharing and applying each other’s solutions – Energy units in extreme environments Knowledge transfer – Benefits from the gained knowledge, especially taking into account the challenges the distributed nature of RIs brings Enabling interdisciplinary science across RIs – From common reference model to agile meeting of user demands Joint communications activities for increased stakeholder engagement and better visibility Science Fair 12:30 – 14:00 pm Science fair session introduces RIs in the environmental field by presenting their services, activities, and benefits for the science and society, including showcases. The session will be organized in an open exhibition area combining stands/lighting talks/roll-ups/demonstrators during the lunch time, and gives an opportunity to learn about environmental RIs, and to meet and discuss with RI representatives in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Within the Science fair session, an award ceremony for high school students will be held, where the students will present and receive awards related to the winning scientific projects they have performed in the school competition organized by ENVRIplus. Collaboration for societal impact 14:00 – 15:00 pm The ENVRIplus project supported creating more consistent products and services, making it possible for scientists to address cross and multidisciplinary environmental and societal challenges. The talks below provide more concrete examples of how the collaboration impacted the society or how it increased their capability to impact the society in future The relevance of RI’s in regards to the Grand Challenges – Analysis Reaching out for the next generation, together Partnerships with industry towards innovation Cluster-to-cluster collaboration to address e.g. health and environmental research Future prospects and needs of the ENVRI community 15:00 – 16:00 pm Discussion of the ENVRI future in terms of strategy, the sustainability of the cluster, its funding needs and future joint projects. The ENVRI strategy and sustainability ENVRI-FAIR project and EOSC integration EU Commission outlook RIs, the in-situ component of the global Earth observations    16:30 – 17:30 pm In situ observations, i.e. measurements carried out locally on the spot, play a very important role in validating and supporting remote sensing observations such as satellite observations, for example. Speakers in this session discuss the relevance of the in situ observations from the perspective of user organisations such as WMO, GEO, ESA, EEA for Copernicus and OECD. Cocktails 17:30 pm   Registration Please register through this link by 17th of May 2019.   Welcome to Learn and Discuss – The societal impact of European Environmental Research Infrastructures – The key role of European Environmental Research Infrastructures in the global Earth observations – The strategy of the Environmental RIs for the future – The added value in collaboration, sharing expertise and resources across the Earth system disciplines