ICT and CH&T WG: Understanding the European Data Space for Cultural Heritage[and Cloud for Cultural Heritage]

Cultural Heritage & Tourism/ICT WG meeting: Unlocking the Power of AI for Cultural Heritage

The Cultural Heritage and Tourism Working Group, in collaboration with the ICT Working Group, is organising a meeting for ERRIN members to explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the cultural heritage sector

This event will provide an opportunity to learn about current and upcoming funding opportunities for regional innovation, as well as to gain valuable insights from successful practices and regional examples.

AI is set to revolutionise cultural heritage by enhancing the preservation, restoration, and accessibility of artefacts and historical sites. Through advanced AI algorithms, data can be analysed to detect early signs of deterioration, aiding conservation efforts. AI-driven image recognition and machine learning technologies allow for more accurate cataloguing and restoration of artefacts, ensuring historical integrity is preserved.

Regions can harness the power of AI by investing in technologies that digitise cultural assets and create engaging experiences, such as virtual tours and augmented reality, to attract tourists and educate the public. AI-powered tools, including translation and analysis, will further enable local heritage to reach a global audience, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Learn more about the meeting and register via the sign-up form.