Regional examples of successful use of financial instruments

The first Innovation & Investment WG Meeting of 2018 will take place on April 19th between 2pm and 5 pm, and will be kindly hosted by the Autonomous Province of Trento at the premises of the European region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino in Brussels (Rue de Pascale, 45-47, B - 1040 Brussels) Next to grants, financial instruments will continue to be a strong part of the future EU toolbox. In order to be best prepared, and to highlight the problems currently faced, the event will showcase practices (good and bad) from different ERRIN members. The meeting intends to be the first of series of events each of them with a focus on a thematic area or on a type of instrument among those deployed by regions mostly using ESI funds. The aim is to provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and exchange with their peers and to learn starting from their concrete experiences. Please sign up below.