Smart Specialisation WG meeting: Peer-learning on the future of S3

Smart Specialisation WG meeting: Peer-learning on the future of S3

In the context of the ongoing discussions on the future of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) post-2027 and DG REGIO survey on the future of S3 running from January to February 2025, this Smart Specialisation Working Group meeting will serve to enable peer-learning between members on what could be the best approach to smart specialisation strategies moving forward, to ensure their effectiveness. A representative of the Commission's DG REGIO will also join the event.

The meeting will take place on 13 March from 10:00-12:00 in person at ERRIN premises. A detailed agenda will be published closer to the date.

In order to attend the event, please register by pressing the “Register” button on this page. Please note that you need to be logged in to register.

This Smart Specialisation WG meeting will also be the first occasion to meet in person for colleagues wishing to be part of a new informal online community of strategists and experts on S3 from across Europe. ERRIN members may find more details about this community idea and how to join here.

We encourage all members to inform their colleagues working on S3 strategies back in the regions about this community opportunity as an excellent chance to benefit from direct sharing experiences and knowledge with peers from across Europe.