ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

Following the summer break, the ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to announce a few updates on the network website that should further facilitate membership, networking within the community, understanding network services and engaging your colleagues and stakeholders in ERRIN.


Re-opening of the ERRIN member directory

All logged-in users of the ERRIN website can now access the member directory, listing all active users under each ERRIN member organisation. Through the directory, you may access the public profiles of other users and contact them directly via the contact form (the message will arrive in their mailbox).

Revised membership pages

The “Your membership” and “Become a member” pages on the ERRIN website have been thoroughly revised and should serve as one-stop-shops for all related information and resources. You are welcome to share them as well with your stakeholders among whom you would like to raise awareness about ERRIN, and external organisations that might be interested in joining the network.

Leaflets to inform about ERRIN and the Project Development Tool

Three new leaflets are available to support you in:

You can also always find the leaflets in the "Useful resources and ways to increase engagement" section of the "Your membership" page and on the "Project Development Tool" page.


We invite you to spread the news among your colleagues and stakeholders!

If you would like to share any feedback, questions or suggestions, please reach out to