H2020-MIGRATION-01-2019- "Understanding migration mobility patterns: elaborating mid and long-term migration scenarios”

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Lucie ZOUYA MIMBANG - Researcher at the University of Strasbourg (France) : A qualitative analysis is needed to complete the statistical data. Sub- Saharan African migrants have been transiting to Europe through complex pathways and this for many years. As a professional researcher in economic and social History having worked at the Cameroonian Ministry of Research and Innovation from 1985 to 2012, I have long practiced field surveys. So, I can offer: -My ability to carry out a research program and to publish the results. -My knowledge on problems of migrations inside Africa in the past and nowadays: my inquiries on wars, transfontier problems and conflict resolution can be found in a report at the Cameroonian Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation. -My own experience as a traveler from Africa to Europe: since 1994, I have been travelling from Africa to Europe for research matters. I know the multiple administrative formalities which are necessary to obtain a residence permit. -Additionally, the confidence of the interviewed person is important. As a sub-Saharan African woman, I am in the best position to interview African migrants and to retrace their itineraries in detail   Some of my publications are relevant for this topic : 1986 : Les mythes d’origine et les mouvements migratoires des populations de l’Est-Cameroun. Research Report, Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon. 1994 : « Dieu et le dragon : la saisie du vaincu de l’histoire », Ve congrès international de l’Association pour la Recherche Interculturelle à l’Université de la Sarre, Saarbrücken. 2013 : « The Intercultural Question about E-Learning Program and the Use of New Technologies », IIIrd CUCS Congress, Torino, 2013. 2013 : De la « mise en valeur » à la marginalisation : l’Est-Cameroun de 1905 à 1960, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013, 413 p. 2015: Initiation à la politique de développement, Saarbrücken, Éditions Universitaires Européennes, 119 p. 2018 « L'Université, porte de l'Europe: itinéraires d'étudiants camerounais passés par Strasbourg », Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Universités de l'Académie de Strasbourg, n° 72, 2018, p. 63-70.
Partners Involved
Unviversity of Strasbourg
Deadline for Expression of Interest