The main objective of the ICT Work Group is to act as a platform to discuss and share information on ICTrelated initiatives and funding opportunities in relation to the European Commission’s policy priority “A Europe fit for the digital age”. Especially highlighting the regional dimension of the ICT-field, the WG aims to create opportunities for interregional cooperation in the field of ICT by linking with other areas and sectors such as smart cities, energy, transport, health or culture.

ERRIN Contact

Next Working Group Meetings

Future Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

EU Design Day 2024

EU Design Day 2024

Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

The 12th edition of EU Design Day will happen in Brussels on 17 September 2024, gathering key stakeholders from the design and creativity sectors for a networking opportunity with familiar and new

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings


Artificial Intelligence related strategies at local and regional level – ICT WG Meeting

Rodolphe Doité

In December 2023, the Council and the European Parliament reached a political agreement on the AI Act, setting out rules for the development and usage of AI in Europe. With AI's growing importance

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-


The role of DIH in supporting public authorities’ digital transformation – ICT Working Group meeting

Rodolphe Doité

The European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) initiative is part of the Digital Europe Programme. EDIHs function as one-stop shops for the public and private sectors alike, enabling them to respond to

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

Health data for innovation - opportunities and societal challenges

SAPHIRe presents an interactive workshop on health data for innovation. The session will discuss how the smart specialisation agenda can leverage regional healthcare innovation to improve citizens' lives. 

Big Buyers for Climate and Environment Launch

This launch event is a chance to learn more about the European Commission's initiative: Big Buyers for Climate and Environment.

Joint WG webinar: Digitising Cultural Heritage

We are happy to invite you to a joint online meeting organised by ICT and Tourism & Cultural Heritage Working Groups. This meeting will focus on digitisation of European Cultural Heritage and will include a presentation of the Time Machine project.

2020 Thought Leader EHTEL Symposium

The 2020 edition of the EHTEL symposium will be a chance to further develop the Imagining 2029 work programme.

ICT 2020: Leading the Digital Age

The European Commission, the German Presidency and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will jointly host 'ICT 2020: Leading the Digital Age' in Cologne at the end of this year. 

Making data useable: regional considerations, best practices and examples

This SAPHIRe workshop will help participants gain a better understanding of the regional perspective in the task of making health data accessible.

WG Documents

WG Documents

ERRIN Year in review 2022

The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.

European Digital Innovation Hubs in Digital Europe Programme

The draft working document for European Digital Hubs in the Digital Europe Programme.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

5G for Smart Communities Support Platform Launches Insight Consultation for Third Call

In preparation for an upcoming call, the 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform is conducting a consultation to gather valuable insights and feedback from key stakeholders. The deadline for responses is 7 June 2023. All responses are anonymous and will contribute to identifying concrete 5G use cases for future application developments.

Info day - Developing CitiVerse

On 23 May 2023, an Info Day is organised to present the next Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) funding opportunity for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities, for the topic Developing CitiVerse.

Regional Innovation Valleys calls for proposals launched!

The first Regional Innovation Valleys calls for proposals under the European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) part of Horizon Europe and under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument of the ERDF were launched by the European Commission on 17 May with an overall budget of EUR 122 million. The closing date for applying is 17 October 2023.

Call to join the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe

On 15 May, the European Commission's DG RTD launched a call for applications for the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe. The group shall gather 15 highly experienced members with the aim to provide the Commission with strategic recommendations to feed into the design of the next Framework Programme 2028-2034.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge: Deadline extended until 31 May

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is one of the European Commission's largest city support initiatives supporting European cities in their green and digital transitions. ICC delivers cutting-edge knowledge and support services to cities and their local economies to address two major challenges: making the transition to a net-zero economic model while enabling social inclusion and sustainable development for every EU citizen. The application deadline for cities has been extended to 31 May 2023. 

Gearing up for the Regional Innovation Valleys call for proposals under Horizon Europe

The planned launch of the Regional Innovation Valleys call for proposals under Horizon Europe is approaching on 17 May 2023. ERRIN is happy to share a recap of the latest insights and dedicated activities organised with the aim of supporting network members interested in applying to the call.

Latest Updates

  • By Maria Orobitg

Invitation to the event "Investment Opportunities in Semiconductors in the EU: Success Stories from Catalonia"

The event Investment Opportunities in Semiconductors in the EU: Success Stories from Catalonia, will take place from 17:00-18:30 on 16 March at ACCIÓ Competitiveness for Catalonia offices. 

  • By Lucy Hammond

A Cloud for All: European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

This event, organised by the Commission, aims to kick-start the formation of a community of practice between cultural heritage professionals and demonstrate how the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage can be useful in their everyday work. The event will take place online on 15 March from 10:00.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN Intro Coffee

The ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to invite you to the upcoming ERRIN Intro Coffee, aiming to offer a concise introduction to ERRIN and its services, as well as encourage networking between members. The meeting is directed mainly towards new network members and colleagues, but all interested members are welcome to participate. Join us in person at ERRIN on 15 March!

  • By Lucy Hammond

Procurement for health managers: Co-creation of innovative digital healthcare solutions

This fifth episode of EcoQUIP+’s procurement series for health managers will focus on co-creation initiatives that have been launched to implement innovative digital healthcare solutions. The webinar will take place on 15 March from 09:30-10:20.

  • By Teresa Vio

Smart Tourism Destinations - First Peer Learning Session

Smart Tourism Destinations, a European Commission Initiative supporting tourism and hospitality services through technological innovation, is hosting its first peer-learning session on data-driven solutions in the tourism field. The session will take place online on 14 March, from 9.30 to 13.00.

  • By Rebecca Timm

Breakfast Seminar on Health Data

Stockholm Region EU Office, together with EIT Health Scandinavia, welcomes you to a breakfast seminar on health data. The event will take place at Stockholm Region's offices on 7 March between 09:00-10:00.