The main objective of the ICT Work Group is to act as a platform to discuss and share information on ICTrelated initiatives and funding opportunities in relation to the European Commission’s policy priority “A Europe fit for the digital age”. Especially highlighting the regional dimension of the ICT-field, the WG aims to create opportunities for interregional cooperation in the field of ICT by linking with other areas and sectors such as smart cities, energy, transport, health or culture.

ERRIN Contact

Next Working Group Meetings

Future Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

EU Design Day 2024

EU Design Day 2024

Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

The 12th edition of EU Design Day will happen in Brussels on 17 September 2024, gathering key stakeholders from the design and creativity sectors for a networking opportunity with familiar and new

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings


Artificial Intelligence related strategies at local and regional level – ICT WG Meeting

Rodolphe Doité

In December 2023, the Council and the European Parliament reached a political agreement on the AI Act, setting out rules for the development and usage of AI in Europe. With AI's growing importance

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-


The role of DIH in supporting public authorities’ digital transformation – ICT Working Group meeting

Rodolphe Doité

The European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) initiative is part of the Digital Europe Programme. EDIHs function as one-stop shops for the public and private sectors alike, enabling them to respond to

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

Online Erasmus+ project development workshop 2020

Welcome to this year's Erasmus+ project development workshop dedicated to the theme global competences - green, digital, intercultural, and lifelong learning skills. Join the plenary session for a presentation of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 and some handy tips on writing an application and apply as a partner to participate in the 14 parallel project proposal discussions.

UNaLab Project Consortium Webinar Series

The UNaLab project is organising a three-day webinar series between 24-26 November to highlight the application of tools and resources developed by the project to the various phases of the implementation of nature-based solutions.

Annual Strategy Workshops - co-designing priorities and activities for 2021

To start planning the activities in the WGs for 2021, the WG leaders will meet according to the clusters to discuss the policy context, project development, and possible topics for the year ahead. All members are warmly invited to provide input in advance.

Digital Transport Days

The third edition of Digital Transport Days will take place virtually on 18 November, covering the European mobility data space, digitalisation in the TEN-T revision and smart mobility in the European Green Deal.

Sex and gender dimension in frontier research

Considering gender in medical care, demographics and digital society, this event will raise awareness about gender dimensions in the research process.

How to upscale the implementation of digital health solutions for the elderly

Stavanger Region EU Office and WE4AHA present a thematic workshop on upscaling digital health solutions for the elderly.

WG Documents

WG Documents

ERRIN Year in review 2022

The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.

European Digital Innovation Hubs in Digital Europe Programme

The draft working document for European Digital Hubs in the Digital Europe Programme.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

Express your interest in the EU Missions and New European Bauhaus Calls 2024

The European Commission has launched new calls for proposals to support research and innovation for its five EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus (NEB). ERRIN encourages all members and their stakeholders to express interest in the EU Missions and NEB calls through the ERRIN Project Development Tool (PDT).

Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025

The European Commission opened an opportunity to provide input for the development of the Horizon Europe ‘main’ work programme 2025. Submitted responses will contribute to the co-design of the work programme 2025, covering all six clusters, research infrastructures, European innovation ecosystems, the five EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus facility. The deadline for feedback is 6 May 2024 midday, CEST.

The European Capital of Innovation Awards

In 2024, the European Innovation Council is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the European Capital of Innovation Awards. The competition rewards those European cities that are courageous enough to open their governance practices to experimentation and push the boundaries of technology for the benefit of their citizens. In addition to the monetary reward, the prize brings high visibility in the form of renewed public interest and increased media coverage. The deadline for submission is 18 June 2024, 17:00. 

The third Call for Proposals of the European Urban Initiative- Innovative Actions is now open

The third EUI-Innovative Actions (EUI-IA) Call for Proposals is now open and will close on 14 October 2024 at 14.00 CEST, with an allocated indicative budget of EUR 90 million ERDF. The call is targeting innovative projects focusing on two topics: 'energy transition' and 'technology in cities'.

NEIA implementation report & Regional Innovation Valleys update

On 20 March, the Commission published the first report on the state of play of the New European Innovation Agenda, following its launch in July 2022. The document outlines the progress and achievements with regard to the 25 actions under Agenda’s five flagships, including the Regional Innovation Valleys. On the same day, an EU R&I Days debate on the way forward for RIVs was also held.

Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027 is out

On 20 March, the Commission adopted the second Horizon Europe strategic plan. The plan sets out three key strategic orientations for the EU's research and innovation funding for the last three years of the programme (2025-2027). Find out what novelties the new strategic plan brings.

Latest Updates

  • By Hilary Webb

Commission begins testing interoperability of national contact tracing apps

The Commission is setting up an interoperability gateway service to link contact tracing apps across the EU. Testing has now begun and involves the official apps of the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Latvia.

  • By Hilary Webb

Test web authoring tools and share your experience

Web authors are sought to test the accessibility of authoring tools within a research project.

  • By Hilary Webb

€128 million awarded to 23 research projects in second EC coronavirus response call

The second call from the European Commission Coronavirus Response has funded 23 new research projects, with teams from 40 countries, 16 of which are outside the EU.

  • By Hilary Webb

Call for expressions of interest for innovative interregional COVID-19 response & recovery partnerships

This week DG REGIO launched a call for expressions of interest to pilot interregional innovation partnerships related to the COVID-19 response and recovery. We encourage members to use ERRIN's tools to build partnerships to respond to this call.

  • By Hilary Webb

Six winners named for EIC Horizon Prize: Blockchains for social good

The EIC Prize on Blockchains for Social Good has named six winners that highlight the support and efforts made by developers and civil society to explore and decentralise applications of blockchains for social innovation.

  • By Hilary Webb

Commission launches call for interregional coronavirus innovation partnerships linked to four thematic areas

Regional authorities, universities, research centres, clusters and SMEs willing to pilot interregional innovation partnerships are invited to express their interest in the Commissions new call for interregional thematic partnerships related to the pandemic.