Science & Education for Society

The Science & Education for Society Working Group addresses topics related to the concept of place-based universities and engagement with society and citizens while also working on the role of education (both VET and Higher Education) in the Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) as well as education and skills for research and innovation. The Working Group facilitates information sharing, knowledge development, and aims to strengthen existing and build new relationships with the EU institutions. Facilitating project development is also part of the Working Group's scope. For this purpose, the Working Group assesses the interest of the membership for specific calls under Erasmus+ and support in the most efficient way the members in building consortia, primarily with the ERRIN online tool for project development.  

ERRIN Contact

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems:  lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems: lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Astrid Hannes

As the activities of the EU Year of Skills came to an end in April 2024, the Science and Education for Society Working Group is organising a Working Group meeting to reflect on the lessons learnt

Design & Creativity WG

The Pact for Skills for CCIs - What next after the Year of Skills?

Francesca Pozzebon

The European Year of Skills is coming to an end after the Pact for Skills Forum (21- 22 March) and the Closing event, taking place on 30 April, which will reflect on the achievements of the past year

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

Empowered youth, better future in EU capital cities and regions

As 2022 is the European Year of Youth, the Capital Cities and Regions Network (CCRN), including the City of Riga, is organising a workshop focused on empowering European youth in the frame of the upcoming European Week of Regions and Cities. The workshop will take place on 10 October in Brussels and online.

European Research and Innovation Days 2022

The European Research and Innovation Days (RiDaysEU) is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event. This year’s edition will take place online on 28 – 29 September.

Webinar on foreign language learning and teaching in the digital age

On September the 23rd from 9:30 to 11:30 the partners behind the new Erasmus+ project "DIGI-LINGO: Enhancing digital language teaching and virtual exchange" will host a webinar about the use and future of virtual and digital language teaching.

European Innovation Campus

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Nice-Côte d'Azur Metropolis and Côte d'Azur University are delighted to invite you to the first edition of the European Innovation Campus, 14th & 15th september 2022, in Nice, France, with Commissionner Mariya Gabriel's presence.

SEFS & S3 WGs: Why are S3 strategies relevant for the European Universities initiative?

This joint Science and Education for Society and S3 Working Groups meeting will ask why S3 is relevant for European Universities, and vice versa, and how European universities alliances can create a leverage effect beyond the university boundaries and the bilateral cooperation already in place - based on the S3 - in the region?

Youth Learning Through Arts seminar

It is the European Year of the Youth and the Erasmus+ project Youth Learning Through Arts (YLTA) will visit Brussels in September. A Youth Learning Through Arts seminar will be organised to present the results and impacts of the project including innovative learning activities, art methods and tools that youth workers can utilize in their work. Also, two Finnish innovations related to cultural education: the Art Testers program and Cultural Education Plans, will be presented at the seminar.

WG Documents

WG Documents

ERRIN Year in review 2022

The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

Call for Applications for IN SITU Summer School

Applications are now open to join IN SITU Summer School, “Place-based creative solutions for cultivating caring and sustainable communities" (20-24 September 2024), and the IN SITU Conference "Horizons of Sustainability: The power of creative innovation for transformation of rural and non-urban futures" (25-27 September 2024), both held in the beautiful island of Zlarin, Croatia.

ERRIN two-page input on FP10 for the attention of the Expert Group

As the work towards the next EU Framework Programme for R&I (FP10) continues, ERRIN is pleased to share its two-page input for the attention of the Expert Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe. The document is a concise compilation of the reflections on FP10 done at ERRIN so far, highlighting topics of key importance. Work on a series of broader input papers is underway.

New CHARTER Report: Forecast to fill gap in Heritage Education and Training

In its new report, "Forecast to fill gaps in Heritage Education and Training", the CHARTER EU Alliance delves into the gaps and needs of Cultural Heritage professionals in Europe. This report maps the main challenges for professional development in heritage, encompassing technology, sustainable development, professional collaboration, public administration, diversity, funding, social uses, knowledge transfer, occupation coding, and skills description.

ERRIN is looking for a Head of projects - Extended Deadline

In view of the upcoming departure of ERRIN's current Director of projects, Ryan Titley, ERRIN is looking for a replacement to start in September 2024. The new colleague will work closely with the ERRIN Director on strategic planning, and lead the implementation and development of ERRIN's current and future project portfolio. Extended deadline: Applications are open until 26 May at 17.00 CEST.

Empowering Innovation: Overview of Public Engagement in Research & Innovation

DG RTD has recently released a thematic report titled "Overview of Public Engagement in Research & Innovation", which provides an introductory overview of Public Engagement in Research and Innovation in Europe. The document aims to inspire and help public actors and policymakers to promote and support public engagement.

Express your interest in the EU Missions and New European Bauhaus Calls 2024

The European Commission has launched new calls for proposals to support research and innovation for its five EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus (NEB). ERRIN encourages all members and their stakeholders to express interest in the EU Missions and NEB calls through the ERRIN Project Development Tool (PDT).

Latest Updates

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

Seminar on Outstanding Research Careers

The seminar on Outstanding Research Careers is a half-day event with engaging talks with interesting speakers representing both the European Commission and the community of early-stage and mid-career researchers.

  • By Astrid Hannes

Skills forecasting and anticipation from an ecosystem perspective - SEFS Working Group online meeting

ERRIN's Science and Education for Society (SEFS) Working Group meeting on skills forecasting and anticipation from an ecosystem perspective has been rescheduled and will take place online on 27 November.

  • By Florence Goult-Lejeune

Equality between women and men in the digital sector

The Centre-Val de Loire Region is hosting an event on gender equality in the digital sector. The event will be held in the European Committee of the Regions and will focus on funding opportunities and leadership support.

  • By Catherine Marston

Beyond borders: Strengthening EU-UK research collaboration

Academia Europeaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub is hosting an event on Strengthening EU-UK research collaboration on 24 November from 11:00-15:00. The meeting will take place at Cardiff University, Wales.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN Extraordinary General Meeting

The ERRIN Extraordinary General Meeting will take place on 16 November 2023 from 14:00-16:00 CET in the ERRIN premises, with participation possible online. This Meeting is organised to make the necessary changes to the ERRIN Articles of Association following requirements by the new code for Belgian companies and associations. A minimum of 2/3 of the ERRIN members must be represented at the Meeting, and therefore engagement of each member is of crucial importance.

  • By Astrid Hannes

How is Artificial Intelligence shaping work? European Employment & Social Rights Forum 2023

At the second European Employment & Social Rights Forum, a wide range of stakeholders and experts will assess the current challenges and opportunities brought about by artificial intelligence in the world of work. The forum will take place on 16 and 17 November in Brussels.