Smart Cities

The objective of the Working Group is to act as a platform to offer early information on priorities and funding opportunities linked to Smart Cities, with a focus on the EU Mission on 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. The WG aims to facilitate sharing of experiences and support matchmaking to develop new partnerships and projects. The WG targets the smart city topic from an integrated and holistic approach, addressing issues such as citizen engagement, data-driven policy and smart governance models, while exploring synergies between the areas linked to smart cities as addressed by the ERRIN WGs on Energy and Climate Change, Transport and ICT.

ERRIN Contact

Mission on 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030

The Smart Cities WG has taken an active role in shaping the Mission on 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 - one of the five mission areas under Horizon Europe - and is closely following the implementation of the mission. Visit our dedicated Cities Mission page to learn more about our work on this.

Next Working Group Meetings

Future Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

transport - Smart cities

Cities Mission – focus on sustainable urban mobility

Gaia Ialisa Marotta

The meeting organised by the Transport and the Smart Cities WGs will focus on the proposed mobility strategies in the Climate Cities Contracts and the measures needed to reduce emissions.

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings


Artificial Intelligence related strategies at local and regional level – ICT WG Meeting

Rodolphe Doité

In December 2023, the Council and the European Parliament reached a political agreement on the AI Act, setting out rules for the development and usage of AI in Europe. With AI's growing importance

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-

Policy WG meeting: Role of EU Missions in FP10

Policy WG meeting: Role of EU Missions in FP10

Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN has been closely involved in the design and implementation of the EU Missions since their inception. Missions remain one of the network's priorities and were one of the four main areas of focus

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

Discover Multi Country Projects and the European Digital Infrastructure Consortiums (EDICs)

Organised by the Living-in.EU Finance subgroup, this online webinar will offer the opportunity to discuss the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) mechanism on behalf of the European Commission. The webinar will take place on 11 September from 11:00-12:30.

Virtual workshop with Smart Cities and Communities on a European Local Digital Twins Toolbox

An online workshop is organised on 12 July (14:00 to 16:00 CEST) to gather feedback from local and regional authorities on the composition of the Local Digital Twins (LDT) toolbox .

Policy WG meeting: Regional Innovation Valleys call under Horizon Europe – dealing with co-funding

In the frame of ERRIN’s focus on the Regional Innovation Valleys call under Horizon Europe (EIE RIV call), the requirement of 50% co-funding emerges as one of the most challenging aspects of the call for prospective applicant regions. The online Policy WG meeting on 29 June aims to discuss this urgent issue to further support network members in applying to the EIE RIV call by 17 October.

Stakeholder workshop on the progress of Horizon Europe

The European Commission is organising a stakeholder workshop on the progress of Horizon Europe in the context of the mid-term review. The event will take place online on 29 June from 10:00-13:00 CEST. Participants will be invited to take the floor and share their individual experiences with Horizon Europe up until now. Widening countries are particularly encouraged to take part.

Vision 2030: Strategic orientation towards AI, Data, Robotics 2025-2027

The AI, Data, and Robotics (ADR) partnership is organising an event on 26 June 2023 (11:00 to 12:00 CEST) to discuss the strategic orientations of the AI, Data, Robotics roadmap for the 25-27 work programme.

ERRIN Spring AGM 2023

ERRIN's Spring Annual General Meeting will take place on 22 June from 14:30-17:45 CEST, followed by networking reception. This year the event will be held in-person, with online streaming available for members who aren’t based in Brussels.

WG Documents

WG Documents

Proposal for the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership

Attached is the approved concept for the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership.

ERRIN Input to the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership Consultation

ERRIN provided input to the public consultation to shape the European Partnership on Driving Urban Transitions. 

ERRIN Contribution to the Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Please find attached ERRIN's contribution to the Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities.

ERRIN Draft Contribution to the Mission on Climate Neutral Cities

Please find attached ERRIN's first draft contribution to the Mission on Climate Neutral Cities.

Policy Recommendations - Regional R&I Ecosystems: Contributing to a competitive Europe

Going towards FP9, several reports - including the Lamy report - underlined the necessity to address the challenge of turning research knowledge into innovation and growth.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

ERRIN welcomes new network Chairs

The ERRIN Management Board has appointed three co-chairs to the network. The three postholders will work together as a troika to guide the network in a collaborative manner in the period of 2024-2025.

Exploring Synergies between European Partnerships and EU Missions – Mutual Learning Event

ERRIN and the TRAMI project are organising a Mutual Learning Event aiming to explore synergies between European Partnerships and EU Missions. The event will take place on Wednesday 7 February from 9:00 to 12:00 (CET) at the NCBR Brussels Office, Rue Belliard 40, Brussels.

Third NetZeroCities call for Pilot Cities now open!

NetZeroCities has opened its third and final call for cities to join the two-year Pilot Cities Programme. The call is open only to Mission Cities who are not yet part of the Pilot Cities Programme. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2024.

Innovation Fund calls to drive net-zero technologies open until April 2024

With a budget of €4 billion, the Commission has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting innovative projects that contribute to the EU’s green transition goals. The Innovation Fund 2023 calls covering sectors including decarbonisation, hydrogen, cleantech manufacturing, and maritime and energy-intensive industries are open until 9 April 2024, 17:00 (CET).

Scalable Cities Action Grant: third call for proposals open

The third call for proposals of the Scalable Cities Action Grant is open until the end of January 2024. The grant aims to financially support cities and ad-hoc partnerships that wish to replicate measures that were successfully implemented through Smart Cities and Communities projects to facilitate the transition towards climate neutrality.

The European Heritage Hub project is looking for good practices

The European Heritage Hub is collecting good practices to share throughout Europe and beyond! Administrations of a city or region are asked to submit highlights of their work in heritage in the context of the ‘triple transformation ’ – green, digital and social – of our society. Ten practices will be selected for publication and promotion through the European Heritage Hub. Cities whose good practices are selected also get the opportunity to host a peer learning visit with a delegation of 20 participants funded by the project (3 peer learning visits will take place between Q2 2024 and Q1 2025).

Latest Updates

  • By Astrid Hannes

Open call: European Circular Cities and Regions Initiative

Apply before 29 April 2022 to become a European frontrunning circular city or region! ERRIN is a partner in a new initiative of the European Commission, which offers first-hand tailor-made expert support to implement circular systemic solutions on local and regional scale.

  • By Hilary Webb

Mission Cities: 362 eligible cities await selection this spring

The European Commission recently published a list of eligible cities that applied to the Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities, who gave permission to be publicly named.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Second set of calls under Digital Europe Programme open

The second wave of calls for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme has been launched, with the deadline for applications on 17 May 2022. The funding will see an investment of over €292 million in multiple areas.

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

Call for proposal for the 10th edition of the EU Design Days

The next edition of EU Design Days will take place on 10 June in Brussels! This year the topic will be “Will beauty actually save the world? How can design contribute to the green transition and help us to achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal?”

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

The City of Eindhoven is searching for a consortium for the call on Positive Clean Energy Districts - HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02-04

Eindhoven is looking for a consortium in development to join as a demonstration area.

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

The City of Eindhoven is searching for a consortium for the Mission Call Urban Planning

Eindhoven is interested in joining a consortium. We have experience and expertise on Digital twinning and would like to develop this further in the context of this call