Smart Specialisation Working Group

Representatives of Brussels-based offices leading the work of the Smart Specialisation Working Group.

Smart Specialisation

The Smart Specialisation Working Group aims to monitor and contribute to key policy developments related to S3 by enhancing dialogue with relevant EU institutions and stakeholders. The goal is to strengthen the regional perspective in the wider smart specialisation agenda and facilitate the interregional cooperation. The WG actively engages in the debate around shaping the cohesion policy post-2027 and the future of S3. It also follows different interregional collaboration instruments for innovation, their state of play and upcoming opportunities.

ERRIN Contact

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

Smart Specialisation WG meeting: S3 and PRI – the way ahead

Smart Specialisation WG meeting: S3 and PRI – the way ahead

Ewa Chomicz

The year 2024 marks the opening of a new chapter for the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) as a JRC-CoR initiative building on S3 to support innovation for place-based transformations. In

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems:  lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems: lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Astrid Hannes

As the activities of the EU Year of Skills came to an end in April 2024, the Science and Education for Society Working Group is organising a Working Group meeting to reflect on the lessons learnt

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

Territories in ACTION

Following the launch of the ACTIONbook in January 2024, the JRC and CoR are organising an event to present the publication alongside insights from several territories on their innovative place-based transformations. As the ACTIONbook builds on the experiences from the PRI Pilot Action, next steps linked to this initiative will also be shared.

European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024

The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event will take place on 20 and 21 March 2024, both physically in Brussels and online. The R&I Days 2024 will give you the opportunity to debate how we can make Europe more sustainable and competitive and will celebrate the outcomes and achievements in research and innovation since the launch of the first R&I Framework Programme over 40 years ago.

ERRIN R&I Days networking reception

On the occasion of the European R&I Week, we would like to warmly invite you to a networking reception on 19 March from 18:00-20:30 at the ERRIN premises in Brussels (Rue du Luxembourg 3). On the eve of the EU R&I Days 2024, ERRIN wishes to bring together local and regional R&I enthusiasts from our community across Europe to meet up and discuss the way forward with the EU R&I policy and funding.  

10th European Summit of Regions and Cities - Mons 2024

For its 10th edition, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the European Committee of the Regions, the Summit will tackle topics at the heart of regions and cities' concerns, such as democracy, sustainable development, the future of the European Union and its enlargement, the need to ensure social, economic and territorial cohesion, as well as dealing with the consequences of the war against Ukraine. Global challenges will be addressed by bringing together different perspectives from across the world.

'Together for EU Tourism' (T4T) stakeholder event and anniversary

In 2024, DG GROW will be celebrating the second anniversary of the Transition Pathway for Tourism. To mark this milestone, the Commission is organising a dedicated stakeholder event on 15 March 2024 (9:30-15:30 CET), reflecting on past achievements and future developments of the tourism ecosystem and showcasing inspiring pledges submitted by stakeholders.

2nd European Mission Forum

The second edition of the European Mission Forum, taking place on 7 March in Brussels and co-organised by the TRAMI project under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, will showcase EU Mission-related achievements and present outcomes of nearly 2 years of TRAMI project activities. ERRIN's director, Pirita Lindholm, will speak at the session on national, regional and European Mission Governance.

WG Documents

WG Documents

ERRIN Year in review 2022

The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

Management Board elections 2023 – call for nominations launched!

Every year ERRIN holds elections for the Management Board. Becoming a member of the Board offers a great opportunity to develop ERRIN further and strategically lead the network’s activities. You can put forward your candidature for this year’s elections until 5 October.

Regional Innovation Valleys: interest so far & matchmaking map

On 6 September, the European Commission published a matchmaking map showcasing European regions that have so far expressed their interest to become a Regional Innovation Valley (RIV) by applying to the call for Expression of Interest launched in March 2023. The call for EoI is still open for new submissions until 18 September 2023.

ERRIN contribution to the European roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys

The discussions around the development of the Hydrogen Valleys are gaining momentum with the European Commission's open consultation on the topic. ERRIN submitted an input paper based on its members' needs, challenges, and solutions. This paper outlines how local and regional governments address hydrogen-related challenges and recognises the importance of Hydrogen Valleys as place-based innovation ecosystems bringing together key stakeholders engaged in developing hydrogen solutions.

ERRIN Extraordinary General Meeting on 16 November 2023 – important announcement for members

All ERRIN members are invited to save the date for the ERRIN Extraordinary General Meeting, which will take place on 16 November 2023 in the ERRIN premises. The meeting is organised to make the necessary changes to the ERRIN Articles of Association and a minimum of 2/3 of the ERRIN members must be represented. Therefore, the engagement of each member is of key importance (participation is possible online for associate members).

ERRIN contribution to the CoR opinion on “The future of cohesion policy post-2027”

The discussions around the future cohesion policy framework post-2027 are gaining momentum with the CoR opinion on the topic currently under consultation. ERRIN submitted written input guided by network members' experiences, kicking off the conversation on the need to explore closer links between cohesion and research & innovation policies. More activities are in the planning.

EU Missions: The European Commission publishes its first mid-term review

On 19 July, the European Commission (EC) published a Communication on the assessment of the EU Missions after two years of implementation. The EC details the Missions' successes but also recognises the need to address challenges related to governance, budget, citizens and private sector engagement. The EC also proposes to add a sixth Mission on the New European Bauhaus.

Latest Updates

  • By Ewa Chomicz

New ERA Forum sub-group on ‘Access to excellence’ and funding synergies kicked off

On 7 June 2023, the first meeting of the ERA Forum sub-group ‘Access to excellence’ – ‘R&I and Cohesion Managing Authorities’ Network (RIMA) was held. The discussion focused on operationalising funding synergies, a topic covered also in the DUT & ERRIN Policy Working Group workshop on 8 June.

  • By Anonymous

Partner search for Interreg Europe call on legal instruments for S3 and improving cooperation

Madrid and Northern Transylvania region (through ADR Nord-vest) are searching for partners for an Interreg Europe call. The project aims to contribute to solving some of the obstacles of R+D+i in the European Union by transforming research results into profitable innovations that generate new economies, wealth and jobs.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Two new calls for expressions of interest to boost smart specialisation strategies

The European Commission through the S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP) has launched two new calls for expressions of interest for regions for the creation of new Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships (TSSPs) and for receiving targeted support assignments.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Regional Innovation Valleys calls for proposals launched!

The first Regional Innovation Valleys calls for proposals under the European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) part of Horizon Europe and under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument of the ERDF were launched by the European Commission on 17 May with an overall budget of EUR 122 million. The closing date for applying is 17 October 2023.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Call to join the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe

On 15 May, the European Commission's DG RTD launched a call for applications for the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe. The group shall gather 15 highly experienced members with the aim to provide the Commission with strategic recommendations to feed into the design of the next Framework Programme 2028-2034.

  • By Lucy Hammond

The Intelligent Cities Challenge: Deadline extended until 31 May

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is one of the European Commission's largest city support initiatives supporting European cities in their green and digital transitions. ICC delivers cutting-edge knowledge and support services to cities and their local economies to address two major challenges: making the transition to a net-zero economic model while enabling social inclusion and sustainable development for every EU citizen. The application deadline for cities has been extended to 31 May 2023.