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Call Information
Call Title
Integrated risk-based border control that mitigates public security risk, reduces false positives and strengthens privacy
Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs – Associated Countries
Networks of Towns
Combating hate speech online and offline
Renewable hydrogen used as feedstock in innovative production routes (Processes4Planet Partnership) (RIA)
Demand-led innovation through public procurement
Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of chemical, biological and radiological threats to agricultural production, feed and food processing, distribution and consumption
Impact monitoring of EU Aviation R&I
EMSWe – studies, works or mixed
Capacity building on Intellectual Property (IP) management to support open science
Alternative heating systems for efficient, flexible and electrified heat generation in industry
Maximising the potential of synthetic data generation in healthcare applications
Non-Li Sustainable Batteries with European Supply Chains for Stationary Storage (Batt4EU Partnership)
Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy (Built4People Partnership)
Next generation low-emission, climate-resilient pathways and NDCs for a future aligned with the Paris Agreement
European VOD Networks and Operators
Open Topic
Energy Efficient Technologies in HPC
MSCA International Cooperation 2024
Sustainable Gender Equality
EIC Accelerator 2024 - Short application
Technologies for extraction and processing of critical raw materials (IA)
Resource Efficiency of PV in Production, Use and Disposal
European Quantum Excellence Centres (QECs) in applications for science and industry
AR/VR-empowered digital twins for modelling complex phenomena in new RI application areas
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms: studies, works or mixed
A new framework to improve traffic safety culture in the EU
European mini-slate development
Policy Experimentation - Adult Education
EuroHPC Virtual Training Academy
I3 Capacity Building
Develop innovative applications to support the European Green Deal, building on meteorological satellite data
Centres of Vocational Excellence
Circular solutions for textile value chains through innovative sorting, recycling, and design for recycling
Animal nutritional requirements and nutritional value of feed under different production management conditions
Digital information systems for bio-based products
Reintroduction of landscape features in intensive agricultural areas
Explainable and Robust AI (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – Manufacturing
Best available techniques to recover or recycle fertilising products from secondary raw materials
Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-powered robots– step change in functionality (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake (IA)
Bio-intelligent manufacturing industries (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
Call for proposals to national data protection authorities on reaching out to stakeholders in data protection legislation
Support for transnational activities of National Contact Points in the thematic areas of Digital, Industry and Space
Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Excellence Hubs
AI-driven data operations and compliance technologies (AI, data and robotics partnership) (IA)
Reliable Services and Smart Security–Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs
EU-African Union cooperation on agroforestry management for climate change adaptation and mitigation
Biodegradable polymers for sustainable packaging materials (IA)
Europe’s cultural heritage and arts – promoting our values at home and abroad
Beyond the horizon: A human-friendly deployment of artificial intelligence and related technologies
Societal perceptions and benefits of rural life and jobs: will COVID 19 generate a long-lasting shift?
Pandemic preparedness and response: Host-pathogen interactions of infectious diseases with epidemic potential
Developing EU methodological frameworks for clinical/performance evaluation and post-market clinical/performance follow-up of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs)
Improving irrigation practices and technologies in agriculture
Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children
MSCA Researchers at Risk 2024
New sustainable business and production models for farmers and rural communities
Post-Li-ion technologies and relevant manufacturing techniques for mobility applications (Generation 5) (Batt4EU Partnership)
Information and training measures for workers' organisations
Expanding Academia-Enterprise Collaborations
Demonstrating Nature-based Solutions for the sustainable management of water resources in a changing climate, with special attention to reducing the impacts of extreme droughts
ERA Talents
Call for proposals to promote gender equality
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024
ERA Chairs
Volunteering in support of humanitarian aid operations
Post-quantum cryptography transition
Research infrastructure concept development
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024
Innovation Action in Low Latency and High Bandwidth Interconnects
European Film Distribution
Trans-national cooperation among Marie Skłodowska-Curie National Contact Points (NCP) 2024
Protection of Jewish places of worship, schools, and community gatherings
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
Virtual exchanges in higher education and youth
Networks of European Cinemas
Networks of European Festivals
European Film sales agent
Bio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine
Holistic approaches for effective monitoring of water quality in urban areas
Not-for-profit European sport events
European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance
Erasmus+ Teacher Academies
Capacity building in the field of sport
Innovation Lab
The African Union-European Union Innovation Platform
Circulation of European literary works
Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases
User-centric technologies and optimized hospital workflows for a sustainable healthcare workforce
Preparedness Projects
Financial Support under the EIC Booster Grant Scheme
Advanced anion exchange membrane electrolysers for low-cost hydrogen production for high power range applications
Organic products under Union quality scheme OR Union sustainable agriculture and animal welfare in any third country/ies
European agricultural methods and food products, and quality schemes
Developing novel, innovative HIV therapeutics for reducing the disease burden of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
Global Health EDCTP3 JU training fellowship with return phase
Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management
Structuring the Waterborne transport sector, including through changed business and industrial models in order to achieve commercial zero-emission waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Citizens’ science as an opportunity to foster the transition to sustainable food systems
PV-integrated electric mobility applications
Promoting minor crops in farming systems
Circular bioeconomy start-up villages
Conservation and protection of carbon-rich and biodiversity-rich forest ecosystems
Emerging energy technologies for a climate neutral Europe
Robotics and other automated solutions for construction, renovation and maintenance in a sustainable built environment (Built4People Partnership)
Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)
Creating smart and attractive tools to enhance healthy and sustainable food provision, eating and treating of food at home
Minimising climate impact on aquaculture: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes
Agro-pastoral/outdoor livestock systems and wildlife management
Sustainable organic food innovation labs: reinforcing the entire value chain
Circular design of bio-based processes and products
International Collaboration – EU-JP
Detection and tracking of illegal and trafficked goods
Policy Experimentation - Vocational Education and Training
Copernicus-based applications for businesses and policy-making
Size & weight reduction of cell and packaging of batteries system, integrating lightweight and functional materials, innovative thermal management and safe and sustainable by design approach (Batt4EU Partnership)
New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)
Competitiveness and digital transformation in aviation – advancing further composite aerostructures
Combining state-of-the-art emission reduction and efficiency improvement technologies in ship design and retrofitting for contributing to the "Fit for 55" package objective by 2030 (ZEWT Partnership)
Development of next generation synthetic renewable fuel technologies
Demonstrating the fair and just transition from GHG-intensive economies facing challenges towards circular bioeconomy model regions
Environmental impacts of food systems
Addressing due diligence requirements in raw materials supply chains. (CSA)
Reliable AI for 6G Communications Systems and Services
SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals
Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing – Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs
Development of smart concepts of integrated energy driven bio-refineries for co-production of advanced biofuels, bio-chemicals and biomaterials
Coordinating and supporting the combined activities of member and associated states towards the objectives of the Zero Emission Waterborne Transport partnership so as to increase synergies and impact (ZEWT Partnership)
Low-disruptive renovation processes using integration of prefabricated solutions for energy-efficient buildings
Advanced sustainable and safe pre-processing technologies for End-of-Life (EoL) battery recycling (Batt4EU Partnership)
EU-African Union – towards climate-neutral, social just fair trade food systems
Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake (IA)
Biodiversity, economics and finance: Understanding macro-financial risks associated with biodiversity loss
Accelerating uptake through open proposals for advanced SME innovation
Development of technical and business solutions to optimise the circularity, resilience, and sustainability of the European battery value chain (Batt4EU Partnership)
Policy Experimentation - Digital Education
Policy Experimentation - School Education
Minimisation of environmental, and optimisation of socio-economic impacts in the deployment, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farms
Advanced digital development tools to accelerate the development of software defined vehicles that enable zero-emission mobility (2ZERO Partnership)
Copernicus for Land and Water
Digital tools for CSP and solar thermal plants
Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep renovation workflows (Built4People Partnership)
Thematic network tackling food fraud by translating research and innovation into practice
Startup Europe
Pandemic preparedness and response: Maintaining the European partnership for pandemic preparedness
Gender-roles in extremist movements and their impact on democracy
Approaches and tools for security in software and hardware development and assessment
CBRN-E detection capacities in small architecture
Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposes
Open Topic
Resilient and secure urban planning and new tools for EU territorial entities
Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilience
Lawful evidence collection in online child sexual abuse investigations, including undercover
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Large-Scale Projects
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Small-Scale Projects
Full Scale Exercises
New tools, technologies and approaches for vector control in sub-Saharan Africa
Improving clinical management of heart disease from early detection to treatment
Development of evidence based practical guidance for sponsors on the use of real-world data / real-world evidence
Clinical validation of biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and treatment response
Prevention Projects
Fresh fruit and vegetables in the internal market in the context of balanced and healthy dietary practices
Union sustainable agriculture and animal welfare
Union quality schemes OR merits of Union agricultural products
Information and promotion in any third country/ies
Union quality schemes
Organic production method
Union sustainable agriculture and animal welfare
Support for simple programmes targeting Canada, USA or Mexico
Support for simple programmes promoting Organic products under Union quality scheme OR Union sustainable agriculture and animal welfare in any third country/ies
Support for simple programmes targeting China (including Hong-Kong and Macao), Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, South-eastern Asia or Southern Asia
Fruit and vegetables in the internal market in the context of balanced and healthy dietary practices.
Support for simple programmes targeting other geographical areas
Union quality scheme on organic production method
Cooperation Partnerships
Small-scale Partnerships
Open Topic
Support for transnational activities of National Contact Points in the thematic areas of Digital, Industry and Space
Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transport
Ensuring the safety, resilience and security of waterborne digital systems
Improved transport infrastructure performance – Innovative digital tools and solutions to monitor and improve the management and operation of transport infrastructure
BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation (Built4People Partnership)
Market Uptake Measures of renewable energy systems
Innovative, Community-Integrated PV systems
Demonstrating efficient fully DC electric grids within waterborne transport for large ship applications (ZEWT Partnership)
Demonstrations of innovative floating wind concepts
Scenario-based safety assurance of CCAM and related HMI in a dynamically evolving transport system (CCAM Partnership)
Effects of disruptive changes in transport: towards resilient, safe and energy efficient mobility
Accelerating climate neutral aviation, minimising non-CO2 emissions
Minimising climate impact on fisheries: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes
Tools to increase the effectiveness of EU import controls for plant health
Selective breeding programme for organic aquaculture
Paludiculture: large-scale demonstrations
Protection of Public Spaces
Open Topic
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024
DACCS and BECCS for CO2 removal/negative emissions
Impact monitoring of EU Aviation R&I
Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s project development assistance (CCRI-PDA)
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – Pilots
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Medium-Scale Projects
System Architecture - Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs
Centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum (CCAM Partnership)
Policy Experimentation - Micro-credentials
Achieving high voltage, low weight, efficient electric powertrains for sustainable waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Mutual learning and support scheme for national and regional innovation programmes
Bioeconomy project development assistance
Computational Social Science approaches in research on democracy
International Collaboration – EU-ROK
AI for advanced and collective perception and decision making for CCAM applications (CCAM Partnership)
Furthering the development of a materials acceleration platform for sustainable batteries (combining AI, big data, autonomous synthesis robotics, high throughput testing) (Batt4EU Partnership)
New healthy and sustainable food products and processes
Critical technologies for the future ocean energy farms
Developing EU advisory networks on forestry
Leverage the digital transition for competitive European cultural and creative industries
Inclusive Gender Equality Champions
Sustainability Lighthouse
Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices – Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs
SNS Operations and Output optimisation
SNS Microelectronics Lighthouse
Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems
Increasing the circularity in electronics value chains
Assessment of air pollutant emissions from low-carbon fuels in the heavy-duty, aviation, and maritime sectors
Robust Knowledge and Know-How transfer for Key-Deployment Pathways and implementation of the EU-CEM (CCAM Partnership)
Transformative action of policy mixes, governance and digitalisation addressing biodiversity loss
Invasive alien species
Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition
Advanced digitalisation and modelling utilizing operational and other data to support zero emission waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Towards a flying testbed for European leadership in aviation
Innovative circular solutions for furniture
Systemic circular solutions for a sustainable tourism
Protest politics and cultures of opposition in democracy
Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) through R&D in novel and existing antimicrobials
Innovative digital health solutions for sub-Saharan Africa
Pilot line on advanced semiconductor devices based on Wide Bandgap materials
Demonstration of innovative solutions for high-capacity, reliable, flexible, and sustainable hydrogen compression technologies in commercial applications
Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shipping
Innovative proton conducting ceramic electrolysis cells and stacks for intermediate temperature hydrogen production
Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogen
Development and implementation of online monitoring and diagnostic tools for electrolysers
Portable fuel cells for backup power during natural disasters to power critical infrastructures
Development of non-fluorinated components for fuel cells and electrolysers
Development of innovative technologies for direct seawater electrolysis
Small-scale Hydrogen Valley
Demonstration and deployment of multi-purpose Hydrogen Refuelling Stations combining road and airport, railway, and/or harbour applications
Hydrogen production and integration in energy-intensive or specialty chemical industries in a circular approach to maximise total process efficiency and substance utilisation
Improved characterisation, prediction and optimisation of flame stabilisation in high-pressure premixed hydrogen combustion at gas-turbine conditions
Demonstration of hydrogen purification and separation systems for renewable hydrogen-containing streams in industrial applications
Next generation on-board storage solutions for hydrogen-powered maritime applications
Scaling-up Balance of Plant components for efficient high power heavy duty applications
Investigation of microbial interaction for underground hydrogen porous media storage
Guidelines for sustainable-by-design systems across the hydrogen value chain
Large-scale Hydrogen Valley
Balance of plant components, architectures and operation strategies for improved PEMFC system efficiency and lifetime
Research on existing Malaria vaccines and development of new promising candidates
Accelerating development and integration of therapeutics against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in sub-Saharan Africa
Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable way
Sustainable high-throughput production processes for stable lithium metal anodes for next generation batteries (Batt4EU Partnership)
Demonstration of Technologies to minimise underwater noise generated by waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Orchestration of heterogeneous actors in mixed traffic within the CCAM ecosystem (CCAM Partnership)
Integrated flexible multipoint megawatt charging systems for electric truck mass deployment (2ZERO Partnership) (2024)
Smart grid-ready buildings
Increasing the circularity in plastics value chains
Circular solutions for textile value chains based on extended producer responsibility
Programmed biodegradation capability of bio-based materials and products, validated in specific environments
From silos to diversity – small-scale bio-based demonstration pilots
Promoting pollinator friendly farming systems
Microbiome for flavour and texture in the organoleptic dietary shift
Impact of the development of novel foods based on alternative sources of proteins
Climate change and food safety: effects of climate change on food safety across food systems
Dependence of society and the economy on pollinators
Fundamentals of Software Engineering (RIA)
Integration and testing of next generation post-800V electric powertrains (2ZERO Partnership)
Political participation in multilingual spaces
Social services: economic and social returns and value added
Policy Experimentation - Higher Education
What is the long-term impact of rule of law and other European values on socio-economic outcomes?
Culture, the arts and cultural spaces for democratic participation and political expression, online and offline
Gaining experience and confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAM) for regulatory safety and efficacy testing – coordinated training and experience exchange for regulators
Advanced user-friendly, compatible, secure identity and travel document management
Mitigating new threats and adapting investigation strategies in the era of Internet of Things
Advanced battery system integration for next generation vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)
Smart, low-cost pervasive stationary slow charging and bi-directional solutions synergic with the grid for EV mass deployment (2ZERO Partnership)
Digital for nature
Multilevel governance in times of digital and climate transitions
The role and functioning of public administrations in democratic systems
Digital democracy
Cost-effective sustainable technologies and crisis management strategies for RN large-scale protection of population and infrastructures after a nuclear blast or nuclear facility incident
Interoperability for border and maritime surveillance and situational awareness
Open Topic
Perform EU
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)
EIT Manufacturing Business Plan 2023-2025
COVID-19 Recovery Through Sustainable Tourism Growth and SME Support
Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Centres With Member States
Support to Ukrainian displaced people and the Ukrainian Cultural and Creative Sectors
Internet architecture and decentralised technologies (RIA)
Cooperation with EEN
Trustworthy open search and discovery (RIA)
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing Sustainability in SMEs (I4MS2) (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA)
Support to the regions in developing pathways towards climate resilience and corresponding innovation agendas
Atlantic and Arctic basin lighthouse - restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience
The role of climate change foresight for primary and secondary raw materials supply
CCU for the production of fuels
Manufacturing as a Service: Technologies for customised, flexible, and decentralised production on demand (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
Enhanced assessment, intervention and repair of civil engineering infrastructure (RIA)
Open Topic
EIC Pathfinder Open
Harmonised / Standard protocols for the implementation of alert and impact forecasting systems as well as transnational emergency management in the areas of high-impact weather / climatic and geological disasters
Hi-tech capacities for crisis response and recovery after a natural-technological (NaTech) disaster
European Partnership on Personalised Medicine
Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres
EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025
European Partnership on Innovative SMEs
Student and school activities for the promotion of education on ‘blue’ sustainability and the protection of marine and freshwater ecosystems
Specific Grant Agreements to the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) for the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Platform
Development of climate change risk assessments in European regions and communities based on a transparent and harmonised Climate Risk Assessment approach
Call for associated regions – Protection and restoration of wetlands, flood plains, coastal wetlands and salt marshes and their biodiversity
European City Facility
Pan-European network of startup associations to support the integration of Ukrainian tech innovators into European ecosystems and to enhance their operations in Ukraine
ERA Talent Platform
European Network of Excellence Centres in Robotics (RIA)
European Technological and Social Innovation Factory (RIA)
Supporting and giving recognition to citizen science in the European Research Area
'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)
Engage with and activate municipalities and regions to protect and restore soil health
Enhancing synergies between the EIC and Startup Europe
Lighthouse in the Baltic and the North Sea basins - Low impact marine aquaculture and multi-purpose use of marine space
EIT Health Business Plan 2023-2025
Enabling discovery and interoperability of federated research objects across scientific communities
Stepping-up institutional and territorial changes towards open and responsible research and innovation
Pilots for the Next Generation Internet (IA)
Next Generation Internet Fund (RIA)
RFCS-2024-CSP-Big Tickets for Steel
RFCS-2024-JT-Big Tickets for Coal
Piloting a new industry-academia knowledge exchange focussing on companies’ needs (CSA)
Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU
Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights
Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies
European integration and its defining achievements
Topic 3 Focus topic on “Service Oriented Framework for the Software Defined Vehicle of the future”
HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-2-RIA Topic 1Global call according to SRIA 2023
Topic 2 Focus topic on “High Performance RISC-V Automotive Processors supporting SDV”
Topic 2 Focus topic on “Sustainable and greener manufacturing”
Topic 1 Global call according to SRIA 2024
Joint call with Korea
Enterprise Europe Network Energy Efficiency Action
Affordable Housing Cross-sectoral Partnership
Potential of drones as multi-purpose vehicle – risks and added values
Leveraging standardisation in Digital Technologies (CSA)
Health care innovation procurement network
Art-driven use experiments and design (RIA)
Digital Skills and Jobs Platform
AI in support of Quantum-Enhanced Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems
Alliance for Language Technologies (CSA)
AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support
EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action
Girls and Women in Digital
Reference deployments of European cloud-edge services (industrial IoT Edge and Telco Edge developments)
Energy Data Space
European Green Deal Data Space
Support for Health Data Access Bodies to foster efficient pathways for AI in healthcare
Data Space for Manufacturing (deployment)
Supporting patients’ access to their health data in the context of healthcare services for citizens across the EU
Data Space for Skills (deployment)
Agricultural Data Space (Deployment)
Making available a high performing open-source European foundation model for fine-tuning
Alliance for Language Technologies (SG)
Demonstrating the in-service use of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) in healthcare settings
Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI
Innovative and Connected Public Administrations
Competence Centre for 3D (deployment)
1+ Million Genomes: sustainability and uptake
Deploying The Network of National Coordination Centres with Member States
European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures
Pilot Project: Fostering energy transition in the fisheries sector (Demonstrator of a fishing vessel)
Interreg Baltic Sea - Priority 3.1 Circular Economy
European partnership on transforming health and care systems
EIT Cross-KIC Strategic Synergies
Interreg Europe - Third Call
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Co-funding Rate
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Co-funding Rate
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions
Greening SMEs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation
Call for associated regions - actions to prevent, minimise and remediate litter and plastic pollution
The European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital)
The European Capital of Innovation Awards (Rising)
eXtended Reality Learning - Engage and Interact (IA)
EIT Cross-KIC Strategic Outreach
Common procurement of surface-to-surface ammunition
Common procurement of platforms and replacement of legacy systems
Common procurement of air and missile defence capabilities and systems
Organisation of the Women TechEU Scheme
Common procurement of platforms and replacement of legacy systems
EU-Ukraine Cluster Partnership Programme
Common procurement of air and missile defence capabilities and systems
EIT Raw Materials Business Plan 2023-2025
Interreg Baltic Sea Core Projects
Call for proposals: action grants on the safety and quality of new Substances of Human Origin (Breast milk, faecal microbiota transplants) (b) HS-g-23-50.02 Faecal microbiotic transplants (HS-g-23-50.02)
Call for Associate Regions - Prevention & Zero-waste solutions
Call for associated regions - Wetland restoration solutions
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs - junior call
Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Studies
Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Works
New forms of cooperation in agriculture and the forest-based sector
Mobilize inclusive participation in bio-based systems and supporting the CBE JU widening strategy and its action plan
Supporting the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers
Enlarging the portfolio of commercially produced bio-based SSbD solvents
Circular and SSbD bio-based construction & building materials with functional properties
Bio-based value chains for valorisation of sustainable natural fibre feedstock
Sustainable micro-algae as feedstock for innovative, added-value applications
Bio-based dedicated platform chemicals via cost-effective, sustainable and resource-efficient conversion of biomass
Innovative bio-based adhesives and binders for circular products meeting market requirements
Bio-based value chains for valorisation of sustainable oil crops
Innovative conversion of biogenic gaseous carbon into bio-based chemicals, ingredients, materials
Selective and sustainable (co)-production of lignin-derived aromatics
Bio-based materials and products for biodegradable in-soil applications
Valorisation of polluted/contaminated wood from industrial and post-consumer waste streams
Sustainable, bio-based alternatives for crop protection
SSbD bio-based coating materials for applications under demanding and/or extreme conditions
Biotech routes to obtain bio-based chemicals/ materials replacing animal-derived ones
Innovative bio-based food/feed ingredients
Zero-pollution cities
Uptake of digital solutions in Health and Care
Next-Generation Cooperative Cyber Range
Medium altitude long endurance RPAS
Unmanned collaborative combat aircraft (U-CCA) systems
Defence multi-dimensional communication standard
Call for proposals dedicated to SMEs and research organisations
Secure waveform for satellite communications
Intelligent weaponry and ammunition systems
Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence
Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation – Participation in a technological challenge
Transition Open 2024
Support to the activities of the SET Plan Key Action area Renewable fuels and bioenergy
Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions
Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products
Setting up a New European Bauhaus hub for results and impact
Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer
New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities
European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2026-2027
An information portal for the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre
Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities
Use cases for the research data platform
Support dialogue towards the development of national cancer data nodes
Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy
Crowding in private finance
Real world energy consumption of energy-related products
Clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions
One-Stop-Shops - Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses
Operating grants Framework partnerships
Energy Performance of Buildings - Making renovation faster, deeper, smarter, service- and data-driven
BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions for building decarbonisation
Supporting the roll-out of high-quality heat pump installations
Facilitation structures for the renovation of public buildings
Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses
Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments
Technical Assistance preparation of CLIMA SIPs
Technical Assistance preparation of ENV SIPs
Nature Governance
Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus
LIFE Clean Energy Transition – Standard Action Project
Developing support mechanisms for Energy Communities
Climate Change Adaptation
Technical Assistance - Replication - Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life
Technical Assistance preparation of SNAPs
Climate Governance and Information
Climate Change Mitigation
Environment governance
Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe
Supporting district heating and cooling
Strategic Integrated Projects - Climate Action
Strategic Integrated Projects - Environment
Strategic Nature Projects
New knowledge and innovations for climate-smart farming - connecting research stations
Closing the research gaps on Essential Biogeochemical Ocean Variables (EOVs) in support of global assessments
Overcoming barriers and delivering innovative solutions to enable the green transition
Spotlight on plant priority pest: fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs
Living Labs in urban areas for healthy soils
Systems to quantify nitrogen fluxes and uncertainties in European landscapes
Development of high spatial-resolution monitoring approaches and geographically-explicit registry for carbon farming
Towards a dynamic monitoring system to assess status and spatiotemporal changes of soil erosion at European scale
Soil health, pollinators and key ecosystem functions
Harnessing the multifunctional potential of soil biodiversity for healthy cropping systems
Assessment of Soil Health in Africa
Managing forest peatsoils
A European Social Innovation Advisory Network in support of EU Mission Objectives
Framework Partnership Agreement for a European Networked Catalyst Fund for Social Innovation in Support of the Missions
Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities
European Partnership of Agriculture of Data
European Partnership for research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation
European partnership for pandemic preparedness
Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)
Pandemic preparedness and response: Maintaining and enhancing the preparatory work for a co-funded European partnership for pandemic preparedness
Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems
Demonstration of approaches by regions and local authorities focused on increasing climate resilience of the most vulnerable social groups (just climate resilience)
Systemic and cross-sectoral solutions for climate resilience, tailored to the local needs of regions and local authorities
Demonstration of approaches to improve bankability of solutions by design, addressing the co-benefits (mitigation and adaptation) to improve revenues streams
Demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities
Improve design for transformative approaches and build local capacity for implementation of available solutions focused on climate adaptation
Bringing together the national level with the engaged regional and local levels (multi-level governance)
European Blue Parks – Offshore marine protected areas
Bringing available and actionable solutions for climate adaptation to the knowledge of the regions and local authorities
Atlantic and Arctic sea basin lighthouse, Mediterranean Sea basin lighthouse, Baltic and North Sea basin lighthouse - Reducing the environmental impacts of fisheries on marine species and habitats
Our Blue Future – Co-designing a future vision of a restored ocean and water system in the EU by 2030 and 2050
Community-led actions to restore our ocean, seas and waters
Support for the Coalition of waterfront cities, regions and islands for Mission Ocean and Waters
Develop and refine outcome indicators to measure progress on climate resilience at national, regional and local levels, including knowledge and feedback developed from the Mission
Research the complex interplay between the climate and biodiversity crises towards more systemic approaches and solutions
Science for Community – Building the marine Citizen Science data network of the future to valorise data coming from the ocean and increase engagement
Danube river basin lighthouse – Protection and restoration of migratory fish habitats
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
Forestry - European observatory of climate change impacts and demonstration network of climate smart restoration pilots
Rethinking urban spaces towards climate neutrality
Mobility Management Plans and Behavioural Change
Integrated peri-urban areas in the transition towards climate neutrality
Mobilisation of Emergency funding for Mpox outbreak research response
Statistical and experimental protocols for estimation of pest survey parameters
Nuclear Innovation Prize 2025: Reactor System Safety
Nuclear Innovation Prize 2025: Radiation Protection
Nuclear Innovation Prize 2025: Radioactive Waste Management
ERA Fellowships
I3 Capacity Building
Interreg SUDOE - Second Call
European partnership on animal health and welfare
Experimental local action for EU missions: knowledge institutions as focal points of transdisciplinary research and innovation activities with European outreach
Science comes to town
Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and organising data
Call for proposals on the European Hub for vaccine development (HERA) - CP-g-24-10
Food Waste - Support to Stakeholders 2024-2025
Call for Pilots within the European data space for smart communities (Submission round 2)
Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a
Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1
Enlarging existing or Launching New Cross-Border SOC Platforms
Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas
National SOCs
Support to the implementation of Multi-Country Projects (MCPs)
Towards networked Local Digital Twins in the EU
Development and Deployment of Advanced Key Technologies
Preparedness Support and Mutual Assistance, Targeting Larger Industrial Operations and Installations
Support for Implementation of EU Legislation on Cybersecurity and National Cybersecurity Strategies (2024)
Strengthening the SOC Ecosystem
Contribution to the Risk Assessment of Novel Foods and Nutrient Sources in the EU
Prevent and eliminate litter, plastics and microplastics: Innovative solutions for waste-free European rivers
Call for Proposal to support integration of cancer images into the federated pan-European infrastructure to foster screening programmes - CR-g-24-37
Call for Proposals to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care - CR-g-24-39
Call for Proposals on EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors - CR-g-24-45
Call for proposals on the development of social services for psychosocial support and rehabilitation for children and their families in paediatric oncology clinics in Member States and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme - CR-g-24-43
eXtended Reality for Industry 5.0 (IA)
Nanoelectronics for energy-efficient smart edge devices
Nature inspired alternatives for food packaging and films for agriculture
EIT Food Impact Funding Framework
Innovation procurement initiative (including implementation) category
Rising Innovators category
Facing societal challenges category: - “Net Zero Industry Procurement”
Women Innovators category
Novel Endpoints for Osteoarthritis (OA) by applying Big Data Analytics
Patient-Centred Clinical-Study Endpoints Derived Using Digital Health Technologies
Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation
Saving our Seas – Reducing danger of munitions dumped in European seas
Smart solutions for smart rural communities: empowering rural communities and smart villages to innovate for societal change
Sustainable growth and building resilience in tourism – empowering SMEs to carry out the twin transition
Mediterranean sea basin lighthouse - Actions to prevent, minimise and remediate chemical pollution
Competence Centers
Competence Centers-Coordination and Support Action
Role of nitrate/nitrite and of processing and storage in the N-nitrosamine formation in certain foods
3rd REINFORCING Open Call (Incubators Call) on Missions
Danube river basin lighthouse – restoration of fresh and transitional water ecosystems
Commodity risk assessment for ornamental plants and plant products
S+T+ARTS Hungry Ecocities Phase 2: Call for artists in the agri-food sector
Potential of drones as multi-purpose vehicle – risks and added values
Alliance for Language Technologies
Renewable Energy financing mechanisms multi technology
Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1
Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a
LIFE 2024 Capacity Building
MSCA Researchers at Risk 2024
Quantum Chip Technology for high-quality Trapped Ions Pilot Line
Quantum Chip Technology for stability Pilots
Strengthening the SOC Ecosystem
Preparedness Support and Mutual Assistance, Targeting Larger Industrial Operations and Installations
Support to the implementation of Multi-Country Projects (MCPs)
Enlarging existing or Launching New Cross-Border SOC Platforms
Development and Deployment of Advanced Key Technologies
National SOCs
Support for Implementation of EU Legislation on Cybersecurity and National Cybersecurity Strategies (2024)
Sustainable growth and building resilience in tourism – empowering SMEs to carry out the twin transition
Co-Funded Partnership: Driving Urban Transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
Capacity building of Security Operation Centres
Optimising the sustainable production of wood and non-wood products in small forest properties and development of new forest-based value chains
Forestry - European observatory of climate change impacts and demonstration network of climate smart restoration pilots
Organisation of the Women TechEU Scheme
Transition towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
Clean Energy Transition
Capacity building of Security Operation Centres
European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All)
Smart Cities and Communities
Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas
EU-wide network of pilot plants and testing facilities, improving SMEs and start-ups' access to scale-up
Culture and Creativity Business Plan 2024-2025
Open source solutions for edge, cloud and mixed model applications to strengthen production and administrative capacities in agriculture
Forestry - European observatory of climate change impacts and demonstration network of climate smart restoration pilots
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas
Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas
Assessing the state of research infrastructures in Ukraine
Future Engagement Model for the EOSC Federation
Call for proposals on health promotion and prevention of noncommunicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments - (Subtopic b)
Call for proposals on health promotion and prevention of noncommunicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments (subtopic a)
Call for proposals on health promotion and prevention of noncommunicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments - (Subtopic C)
Call for proposals on advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence in health (DI-g-24-76)
Call for proposals to support a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union - (DP-g-24-25)
Call for Proposals on radiation safety and quality of computed tomography imaging of children and young adults - (CR-g-24-42)
Call for proposal: action grants to contribute to the organisations of conference and events - (OA-g-24-79)
Call for proposals to support the establishment of new networks of expertise on cancer and cancer conditions - (CR-g-24-96)
Call for proposals on Personalised Cancer Medicine - (CR-g-24-99)
Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Works
Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Studies
CCU for the production of fuels
Demonstrations of innovative floating wind concepts
Minimisation of environmental, and optimisation of socio-economic impacts in the deployment, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farms
Digital tools for CSP and solar thermal plants
Development of smart concepts of integrated energy driven bio-refineries for co-production of advanced biofuels, bio-chemicals and biomaterials
PV-integrated electric mobility applications
Innovative, Community-Integrated PV systems
Development of next generation synthetic renewable fuel technologies
Market Uptake Measures of renewable energy systems
DACCS and BECCS for CO2 removal/negative emissions
Resource Efficiency of PV in Production, Use and Disposal
Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)
BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation (Built4People Partnership)
Critical technologies for the future ocean energy farms
Support to the activities of the SET Plan Key Action area Renewable fuels and bioenergy
Robotics and other automated solutions for construction, renovation and maintenance in a sustainable built environment (Built4People Partnership)
Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy (Built4People Partnership)
Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep renovation workflows (Built4People Partnership)
MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024
Innovation investments Strand 2a - MANU
National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC)
European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals – Focused Topic
NGI International Collaboration - USA and Canada (RIA)
Nanoelectronics for energy-efficient smart edge devices
Solar-to-X devices for the decentralized prosumption of renewable fuels, chemicals and materials as climate change mitigation pathway
Towards cement and concrete as a carbon sink
Strengthening the sustainability and resilience of EU space infrastructure
Nature inspired alternatives for food packaging and films for agriculture
Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation
Teaming for Excellence
Science comes to town
Talent ecosystems for attractive early research careers – pilot
Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems
Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation
Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed
Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed
Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed
Roads and multimodal freight terminals – studies, works or mixed
Roads and multimodal freight terminals – studies, works or mixed
Inland ports – studies, works or mixed
Rail – studies, works or mixed
Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes – studies, works or mixed
Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works
Road safety – studies, works or mixed
Improving transport infrastructure resilience – studies, works or mixed
Rail – studies, works or mixed
Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works
Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution
Improving transport infrastructure resilience – studies, works or mixed
Other ATM Projects – works
SESAR Common Project One implementation projects – works
ITS – studies, works or mixed
Removing interoperability barriers- studies, works or mixed
ERTMS – unit contribution
SESAR digital sky demonstrators for a greener, more scalable and resilient ATM – works
EMSWe – studies, works or mixed
RIS – studies, works or mixed
VTMIS – studies, works or mixed
eFTI – studies, works or mixed
European Maritime Space / Short-sea shipping – works
Multimodal passenger hubs – Studies
Maritime regional cooperation fostering Smart Specialisation and Innovation in the Sustainable Blue Economy (Topic 1)
Demonstrating feasibility and environmental benefits of regenerative ocean farming and boosting algae innovation (Topic 2)
Video game and immersive content development
TV and online content
European slate development
Innovative tools and business models
MEDIA 360°
Audience Development and Film Education
Films on the Move
Towards networked Local Digital Twins in the EU
eXtended Reality Learning - Engage and Interact (IA)
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
Implementing digital services to empower neuroscience research for health and brain inspired technology via EBRAINS
Increased robotics capabilities demonstrated in key sectors (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
Partnerships for circular value chains between mainstream businesses and SMEs in social economy
Stepping up organisational and entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs in social economy
Renewable Energy financing mechanisms multi technology
Role of nitrate/nitrite and of processing and storage in the N-nitrosamine formation in certain foods
Preparedness support and mutual assistance
European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2026-2027
Smart solutions for the use of digital technologies for small- and medium-sized, farms and farm structures
Support for initiatives helping to generate global standards, specifications and recommendations for open sharing of FAIR research data, publications and software
Smart Cities and Communities
Cross-border renewable energy works projects
Cross-border renewable energy studies projects
EU-Africa Union – food safety
Support for information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (IMCAP)
Information measures for the EU Cohesion policy for 2024
Open Topic
Interoperability for border and maritime surveillance and situational awareness
Advanced user-friendly, compatible, secure identity and travel document management
Detection and tracking of illegal and trafficked goods
Harmonised / Standard protocols for the implementation of alert and impact forecasting systems as well as transnational emergency management in the areas of high-impact weather / climatic and geological disasters
Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of chemical, biological and radiological threats to agricultural production, feed and food processing, distribution and consumption
Cost-effective sustainable technologies and crisis management strategies for RN large-scale protection of population and infrastructures after a nuclear blast or nuclear facility incident
Hi-tech capacities for crisis response and recovery after a natural-technological (NaTech) disaster
Open Topic
Integrated risk-based border control that mitigates public security risk, reduces false positives and strengthens privacy
Combating hate speech online and offline
CBRN-E detection capacities in small architecture
Mitigating new threats and adapting investigation strategies in the era of Internet of Things
Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposes
Open Topic
Lawful evidence collection in online child sexual abuse investigations, including undercover
Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilience
Resilient and secure urban planning and new tools for EU territorial entities
Open Topic
Open Topic
Accelerating uptake through open proposals for advanced SME innovation
Demand-led innovation through public procurement
Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics – advanced human robot interaction (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery
Circulation of European literary works
European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works
Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Works
NEWS - Media Freedom Rapid Response Mechanism
Creative Innovation Lab
NEWS - Media Literacy
5G large scale pilots – 5G coverage along Transport Corridors – Works
5G large scale pilots – 5G and Edge for Smart Communities – Works
Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas
EU-SME Centre in China
Call for proposals for 3-year framework partnership agreements to support European networks, civil society organisations active at EU level and European think tanks in the areas of Union values
Operating grants to framework partners active in the area of Union values
Euroclusters for Europe's recovery
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024
Fostering Ukrainians’ access to culture and cultural heritage
Preparing the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors
Supporting Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to co-create/showcase
EIC Accelerator 2025 - Short application
Contribution to the Risk Assessment of Novel Foods and Nutrient Sources in the EU
Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme
Support for the revision of the guidance document on terrestrial ecotoxicology (SANCO/10329/2002) including the development of an approach for indirect effects
Research and analysis of jurisprudence on international protection and registration in the EUAA Case Law Database
Laying the groundwork towards Europe-wide citizen science campaigns
FU-TOURISM Accelerator Programme
EU-Japan Centre for industrial cooperation
Support to the coordination of ITS National Access Points
Innovation investments Strand 1-GREEN
Forestry - European observatory of climate change impacts and demonstration network of climate smart restoration pilots
Support for the revision of the guidance document on terrestrial ecotoxicology (SANCO/10329/2002) including the development of an approach for indirect effects
European partnership on sustainable food systems for people, planet and climate
Music Moves Europe
SMARTIES for SMEs Call for Innovative Projects
Media actions
Support for SMEs developing Circular Economy and Sustainable solutions for the Agrifood sector in the Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean Innovation investments Strand 2a - GREEN
Networks of Towns
Prevention of irregular migration through awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third countries and within Europe
Localised and Urban Manufacturing, supporting creativity and the New European Bauhaus (RIA using FSTP)
Localised and Urban Manufacturing, supporting creativity and the New European Bauhaus (RIA using FSTP)
Citizens’ engagement and participation
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for the study, conservation and restoration of heritage objects
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and organising data
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for high-value interactions with visitors and heritage objects
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for advanced data enrichment
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined data
European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research
EuroHPC International Cooperation
A mechanism for science to inform implementation, monitoring, review and ratcheting up of the new EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 ('Science Service').
Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights
Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Selection of hosting sites and fellows for EFSA’s European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship (EU-FORA) Programme
Fourth REINFORCING Open Call on “Responsible Digitalization”
Mission Climate adaptation, Mission Ocean & waters and Mission Soil Deal for Europe – Joint demonstration of an integrated approach to increasing landscape water retention capacity at regional scale
NEWS-Journalism partnerships
Upskilling and reskilling the Tourism Ecosystem I Tourism Knowledge hub and Tourism Data Space
Open source solutions for edge, cloud and mixed model applications to strengthen production and administrative capacities in agriculture
European partnership on transforming health and care systems
Agrifood and Retail SMEs – renewable energy communities
Sustainable growth and building resilience in tourism – empowering SMEs to carry out the twin transition
European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures
European co-development
Networks of European Cinemas
European Festivals
European Film sales agent
European Film Distribution
European Master Programme for HPC
European mini-slate development
Volunteering in support of humanitarian aid operations
Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas (VTHPA)
Innovation Fund 2024 Net Zero Technologies – Clean-tech manufacturing
Innovation Fund 2024 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Small-Scale Projects
Innovation Fund 2024 Net Zero Technologies – Pilot projects
Innovation Fund 2024 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Large-Scale Projects
Innovation Fund 2024 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Medium-Scale Projects
Innovation Fund 2024 - Batteries - Manufacturing of electric vehicles battery cells
Innovation Fund 2024 Auction - Fixed Premium Auction for RFNBO hydrogen production
Innovation Fund 2024 Auction - Fixed Premium Auction for RFNBO hydrogen production for the maritime sector
Improved impact forecasting and early warning systems supporting the rapid deployment of first responders in vulnerable areas
Call for associated regions to support the protection and restoration of biodiversity
Support to Ukraine and Moldova border regions
Music Moves Europe
Localised and Urban Manufacturing, supporting creativity and the New European Bauhaus:Textile and clothing industry facilitators in Athens and Rotterdam
European Cooperation Projects Small Scale
European Cooperation Projects Large Scale
European Cooperation Projects Medium Scale
eXtended Reality for Industry 5.0 (IA)
European Partnership on Rare Diseases ERDERA Joint Transnational Call 2025 "Pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation"
Monitoring the multi-functionality of European forests
Improving rural future through better territorial governance and rural-urban synergies
Rights of the child and children’s participation
Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean
Preparedness support and mutual assistance
European natural lakes: demonstration of integrated approaches for protection and restoration of natural lake ecosystems and their biodiversity
European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research
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Partners Sought
Type of Partners Sought
Origin of the Partner
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
Ascension Island
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Canary Islands
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Ceuta and Melilla
Christmas Island
Clipperton Island
Cocos [Keeling] Islands
Congo - Brazzaville
Congo - Kinshasa
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Côte d’Ivoire
Diego Garcia
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
French Polynesia
French Southern Territories
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Hong Kong SAR China
Isle of Man
Macau SAR China
Marshall Islands
Myanmar [Burma]
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
Northern Mariana Islands
North Korea
Outlying Oceania
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
São Tomé and Príncipe
Trinidad and Tobago
Tristan da Cunha
Turks and Caicos Islands
U.S. Outlying Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Vatican City
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara
Åland Islands
Organisation Type
SMEs / Companies
Public Authority
University / Research centres
Citizens Organisation
Contact Information
Email Address
Organisation Name
Junta De Extremadura Fundecyt Pctex
ADRAL - Alentejo Regional Development Agency
Agder County Brussels Office
Agencia de Investigación e Innovación de Castilla-La Mancha (INNOCAM)
AgriFood Capital
Aragón Exterior- Gobierno de Aragón
Arnhem-Nijmegen Green Metropolitan Region
Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen – South Tyrol
Autonomous Province of Trento
Balearic Islands
Basilicata Region
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
Brainport Eindhoven EU Office Brussels
Camara Municipal de Loulé
Central Denmark EU Office
Central Sweden European Office
Centre-Val de Loire Region
Cities Northern Netherlands EU Office
Cleantech Region
Cork County Council
Coventry University
Delegation of the Basque Country to the EU
East and North Finland EU Office
East Netherlands Development Agency (OOST NV)
Emilia Romagna Region - ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory
EU-Representation Office of Carinthia Brussels
European Office of Cyprus (EOC)
European Office of the Metropolitan Region FrankfurtRheinMain
Flanders (VLEVA, VLAIO, EWI)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen / Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region - Brussels Office
Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FRCT
Galician Innovation Agency
Generalitat Valenciana
Government of Catalonia
Government of Navarra
Grand Est-Europe
Greater Birmingham And West Midlands
Greater Birmingham West Midlands Brussels Office
Greater Copenhagen EU Office
Häme EU Office
Helsinki EU Office
Ile-de-France Europe
Institute for business competitivness (ICE) - Castilla y Leon
Junta de Extremadura (Fundecyt-Pctex)
Kujawsko Pomorskie
La Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d
Lärosäten Syd (Universities in South Sweden)
Lodzkie Region
Lubelskie Voivodeship
Lviv Regional Council
Małopolska Region
Ministry for Gozo
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
Municipality of Ljubljana
Município de Guimarães
Normandy Region
North Denmark EU-Office
North Norway European Office
North-East Regional Development Agency, Romania
North-West Regional Development Agency
Northern Ireland Executive Office
Occitanie Europe
Olomoucký kraj
Oslo Region European Office
Pays de La Loire
Pays de la Loire Europe
Pomorskie Regional EU Office
Province of Flevoland
Provincie Utrecht
Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Région Hauts-de-France
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Region of Lower Silesia
Region of Murcia / Instituto de Fomento
Region of Tuscany
Region Östergötland
Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Region Skåne
Region Värmland European Office
Region Västra Götaland
Regione del Veneto
Regione Liguria
Regione Lombardia
Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union
Representation of the Free State of Thuringia to the EU
Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU
Riga City Council
Science Malta
Scotland Europa
Slovenian Business and Research Association
Småland Blekinge Halland South Sweden
South Denmark European Office
South Moravian Region
Stavanger Region European Office
Stockholm Region EU Office
Stuttgart Region European Office
Tampere Region EU Office
Trøndelag European Office
Turku-Southwest Finland European Office
Universidad de Málaga – Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía
University of Oviedo
Vienna Business Agency
Wallonia Export and Investment Agency (AWEX)
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship
WaterCampus Leeuwarden
Welsh Higher Education Brussels – Welsh Government
West Finland European Office
West Norway Office
West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Wielkopolska Region
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Working Group
Climate Adaptation Task Force
NEB Task Force
Blue Economy
Design & Creativity
Energy & Climate Change
Innovation & Investment
Science & Education for Society
Smart Cities
Smart Specialisation
Cultural Heritage and Tourism
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Project Opportunity
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Cascade Funding
Circular Economy
Climate Pact
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future Partnership
Ecosystem approach
ERRIN Updates
ERRIN's Project Proposals
EU Design Days
EU Funds
European Green Deal
European Innovation Council
European Partnerships
European Research Area
European Week of Regions and Cities
European Year of Rail
Financial Instruments
Funding Synergies
Higher Education
Horizon Europe Missions
Innovation Fund
Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument
Job opportunity
Matchmaking: Horizon Europe calls
MFF - EU's long-term budget
Mission on 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030
Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change
Mission on Cancer
Mission restore our ocean and waters by 2030
Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe
Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
New European Bauhaus
New European Innovation Agenda
Policy papers
Raw Materials
Regional Innovation Valleys
Research and Innovation Policy
Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI)
Single Market
Societal Innovation
Solidarity with Ukraine
Stakeholder Engagement
WG Resources
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