
Tourism #POSTCOVID19 challange to help the sector recovery in Andalusia

CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusian) is launching the CTA Challenge ‘Tourism #PostCOVID19 to reward with €15,000 a technological solution that can help in the recovery of the tourism sector in Andalusia (Spain). The call will be open from May 7th, until June 1st.

CTA aims to support a pilot project for the implementation of innovative solutions based on science and technology. These solutions must offer tools that can be applied by the Andalusian tourism sector and that can help with its economic recovery and to increase its competitiveness in the post COVID19 scenario.

The CTA Challenge ‘Tourism #PostCOVID19 is aimed at companies of any sector, size and country, including start-ups, technology centres, researchers and innovative people. The project can be developed or applied in an organisation. The €15,000 prize must be used to carry out the award-winning pilot project.

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