Interreg Baltic Sea Core Projects

Call Information
Call Title
Interreg Baltic Sea Core Projects Call
Call Reference
Interreg Baltic Sea Core Projects Call
Funding Programme
Scope and expected outcomes


Core projects 

Core projects are the main tool to deliver the change Interreg Baltic Sea Region aims at. All core projects are requested to prepare, pilot and transfer practical and durable solutions to the challenges they choose to tackle. These challenges must correspond to one of the Programme objectives within the priorities of Innovative societies, Water-smart societies or Climate-neutral societies.

The main results of the core project are increased capacities of the target groups to deal with the defined challenges. The target groups are organisations that have the competencies to influence the challenge and are interested in the solutions. Hence, reaching out to the target groups and involving them in the preparation of the solution, piloting and transfer are crucial for the success of the core projects.

Cooperation potential with Ukraine

Interreg Baltic Sea Region recognises the promising potential for collaboration between organisations in the Baltic Sea region and Ukraine. The Programme invites project applicants to engage with Ukrainian organisations, where such activities bring mutual benefits. Ukrainian organisations can join projects as associated organisations and participate in various activities. Project partners may cover some costs for Ukrainian organisations when they join project activities (for example, travel for events or expertise/service, following the Programme rules). Projects may plan travels to Ukraine or organisation of events, following the Programme rules detailed in the Programme Manual.

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