- Check your SPAM filters and add ERRIN to your “safe-senders” list.
- It may take up to 24 hours before your account gets approved
- If you are still having problems with your account, please send an email to info@errin.eu.
Having an account on the ERRIN website is one of the benefits of joining our network. To find out how you can join, please see our “become a member” page.
All content that is uploaded or edited on the website need to be reviewed by the ERRIN secretariat before it is visible on the website. It may take up to 24 hours before your content gets approved.
Make sure you clicked on upload after selecting the document. Otherwise please contact us and we will help you.
Access to the ERRIN website is one of the benefits of being a member. However, should the content you are willing to upload be linked to the topics of our Working Groups, do not hesitate to share it with us.
All events that fall into the interest of and/or are organised by our members and that are linked to the topics of our Working Groups.
However, there are some guidelines:
- Events should have a link to research and innovation
- Events must be free of charge
- Events must take place in Brussels, unless they are:
- Events organised by the Presidency of the Council of the EU
- Events organised by a member in their region/city/town
- Events organised as part of an EU project that ERRIN or a member is part of
In addition to selecting the option of receiving updates you need to indicate what Working Groups and themes you would like to be sent information about. You can do this either on your profile or by pressing the “follow” button available on each Working Group’s page.
You are welcome to sign up to receive our newsletter where we write broadly on what is going on in the network and in the R&I field. You will find the sign-up form when you scroll down on the homepage. Please note that some content in the newsletter, such as Working Group meetings, are reserved for members only.
If you are an ERRIN member and you want to be part of the group, please get in touch with us. Please note that only people holding a fixed position at a member organisation can be part of the group and attend the meetings.
To be published, partner searches should be linked to the topics of our Working Groups and refer to calls for proposals in the framework of EU funding programmes.
The partner searches can be published by everyone but seen only by ERRIN members. It allows our members to create consortia all year long, even when brokerage and project development events are not organised.
If you are not a member but would like to publish a partner search, please contact Agnieszka Wieczorek at agnieszka.wieczorek@errin.eu. You will receive a template and when it is filled in and sent back to us, we will upload it to the website for you.
ERRIN's noticeboard is a place for more general notices and enquiries, you can, for example, post a job vacancy or a call for a speaker. The noticeboard is also used to announce calls and to voice and collect preliminary interest in specific calls, proposals in an early-stage or a partner looking to join an exisiting consortium. This is also used by the ERRIN secretariat to gather expressions of interest from members for project proposals.
From time to time the ERRIN secretariat may change uploaded partner searches to noticeboard posts if the project proposal is deemed to be in the very early stages of development, for example, if there are multiple calls listed, there is not yet a concept note prepared for the proposal or it is more a call for expressions of interest rather than a search for partners in a preexisting proposal.
You can upload a noticeboard post here.
The WG meetings are at the heart of ERRIN’s activities. This is where our members meet regularly to exchange information, present regional good practices, build new partnerships, develop joint projects, network, and much more.
Please check our Working Groups for an updated overview of all of our Working Groups, here you can also find the leaders of each group and a short summary of each Working Group’s priorities.
Working Group leaders have the following responsibilities:
- Leading the preparation of the Working Group Work Programme and taking responsibility for its implementation;
- Liaising with the Management Board on the activities in the Working Group, especially on involvement in projects, attending and setting up strategic meetings with the EU institutions, and drafting policy statements to be approved by the Management Board;
- Calling meetings of the Working Group and preparing agendas for meetings in cooperation with the ERRIN Secretariat;
- Monitoring the information on the website;
- Participating in Joint Management Board/Working Group Leaders meetings;
- Networking with other relevant Working Groups and networks.
The Policy Working Group is reserved for Working Group Leaders and members who have an interest and experience in formulating European policy. If you would like to participate, you can do so via a personal request to the ERRIN director.
We are very happy to hear that! For more information on how become part of our network please see our become a member page and more information about the membership as such can be found here. Please also get in touch with our Policy and Engagement Manager, Ewa Chomicz, ewa.chomicz@errin.eu / +32 470 41 63 60, who will provide more detailed information and guide you through the membership process.
Yes, granted that your organisation is located in Europe you can join! Full membership is offered to organisations that have a Brussels office, if you do not have a presence in Brussels you can become an associate member. For more information, please see our membership page.
To see this year’s fees please see our membership page. Members joining ERRIN during the financial year pay a pro-rata fee.
Check out our become a member page and membership page. You can also contact our Policy and Engagement Manager, Ewa Chomicz, ewa.chomicz@errin.eu / +32 470 41 63 60, for more detailed information.
The Management Board is the main decision-making body of ERRIN. The Board is responsible for drafting and implementing the Annual Work Programme and the budget. They also monitor and direct the activities of the Secretariat and the Working Groups. For more information and to see who is on the board, please visit our Management Board page.