Science & Education for Society

The Science & Education for Society Working Group addresses topics related to the concept of place-based universities and engagement with society and citizens while also working on the role of education (both VET and Higher Education) in the Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) as well as education and skills for research and innovation. The Working Group facilitates information sharing, knowledge development, and aims to strengthen existing and build new relationships with the EU institutions. Facilitating project development is also part of the Working Group's scope. For this purpose, the Working Group assesses the interest of the membership for specific calls under Erasmus+ and support in the most efficient way the members in building consortia, primarily with the ERRIN online tool for project development.  

ERRIN Contact

Next Working Group Meetings

Future Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

Unlocking potential, regional perspectives on knowledge valorisation 

SEFS Working Group meeting: Unlocking potential, regional perspectives on knowledge valorisation 

Astrid Hannes

In the 2022 Council Recommendation, knowledge valorisation is referred to as the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different areas and sectors and by

Last Working Group Meetings

Previous Related ERRIN Working Group Meetings

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems:  lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Strengthening skills governance in regional innovation ecosystems: lessons learnt and remaining challenges

Astrid Hannes

As the activities of the EU Year of Skills came to an end in April 2024, the Science and Education for Society Working Group is organising a Working Group meeting to reflect on the lessons learnt

Design & Creativity WG

The Pact for Skills for CCIs - What next after the Year of Skills?

Francesca Pozzebon

The European Year of Skills is coming to an end after the Pact for Skills Forum (21- 22 March) and the Closing event, taking place on 30 April, which will reflect on the achievements of the past year

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Policy & Smart Specialisation WGs meeting: Widening in FP10 and impact on cohesion policy post-2027

Ewa Chomicz

The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-

WG Related Events

WG Related Events

UAS4EUROPE and ERRIN Horizon Europe Proposal Workshop

ERRIN and UAS4EUROPE are co-organising a Horizon Europe Proposal Workshop on 6-7 November 2024 in Brussels. This capacity building workshop will be a great opportunity for participants to unlock the potential of Horizon Europe’s Pillar 2.

Clean Energy Transition Partnership Annual Conference 2024

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership is organising its annual conference online on 22-23 October 2024. During several sessions, participants will get the chance to contribute to important policy discussions, learn more about how CETPartnership contributes to achieving the clean energy transition goals and engage in networking with several stakeholders.

Launch event for the report of the Expert Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe

The launch event for the report of the Expert Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, which will also include recommendations for the next EU Framework Programme for R&I (FP10), will take place on 16 October 2024 from 14:30 (CEST). In-person attendance is upon invitation only, however, it is possible to follow the event online.

ERRIN Intro Coffee

The ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to invite you to the upcoming ERRIN Intro Coffee, which will take place in person on 11 October from 10:00-11:30. The event will offer a concise introduction to ERRIN and its services, alongside a chance for networking. New network members and staff, as well as colleagues from back home who will be in Brussels at the time, are particularly encouraged to join, to mark the end of the EU Regions Week 2024 together!

Innovation procurement and Horizon Europe City Mission and CL5 brokerage event

Leitat, one of Spain's leading technology centres, Acció, the Catalan Agency for Business Competitiveness, and the Provincial Council of Barcelona are excited to bring together cities, start-ups, companies, universities and technology centres for two days of inspiring keynote talks, panel discussions, and networking opportunities through our Innovation Marketplace and targeted matchmaking for the upcoming City Mission and city-related CL5 Horizon Europe calls. This event will take place on 10-11 October, in Barcelona.

Catalysing Sustainable Development: Regional implementation and monitoring of the SDGs

Organised in the frame of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024, this session will address the regional monitoring and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU, with speakers from the Commission, the OECD and the CoR.

WG Documents

WG Documents

ERRIN Year in review 2022

The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.

WG Related Content

WG Related Content

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager to join its Secretariat! The successful candidate will take a leading role in the further development and implementation of ERRIN's communication strategy, lead efforts to increase ERRIN's visibility and oversee the ERRIN website's functioning and high-quality content creation. The deadline to apply is 16 September.

ERRIN is looking for a Communications Assistant (traineeship)

ERRIN is looking for a Communications Assistant! This role is a perfect opportunity to gain first-hand experience in Research and Innovation and participate in the daily work of the organisation. The deadline to apply is 25 September.

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers (Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change)

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers to join its Secretariat! The successful candidates will work on a range of projects and policy activities related to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and support ERRIN's work on influencing the EU Missions' implementation and further design. The deadline to apply is 25 September.

ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

Following the summer break, the ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to announce a few updates on the network website that should further facilitate membership, networking within the community, understanding network services and engaging your colleagues and stakeholders in ERRIN, including re-opening of the ERRIN member directory, revised membership pages, and new leaflets.

ERRIN's updated Working Group and Task Force Annual Plans launched

ERRIN's updated Working Group and Task Force Annual Plans are now available. The Annual Plans outline the upcoming activities and priorities for each Working Group and Task Force for the remainder of 2024.

ERRIN Paper Series: Towards the 10th Framework Programme - EU Missions

ERRIN is pleased to launch a series of input papers on the 10th Framework Programme, with this paper focusing on EU Missions. ERRIN has been closely involved in the design and implementation of the EU Missions since their inception, making them a priority for the network. This input paper on the role of EU Missions in FP10 has been created with contributions from ERRIN members and their ecosystems.

Latest Updates

  • By Teresa Vio

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager to join its Secretariat! The successful candidate will take a leading role in the further development and implementation of ERRIN's communication strategy, lead efforts to increase ERRIN's visibility and oversee the ERRIN website's functioning and high-quality content creation. The deadline to apply is 16 September.

  • By Teresa Vio

ERRIN is looking for a Communications Assistant (traineeship)

ERRIN is looking for a Communications Assistant! This role is a perfect opportunity to gain first-hand experience in Research and Innovation and participate in the daily work of the organisation. The deadline to apply is 25 September.

  • By Teresa Vio

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers (Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change)

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers to join its Secretariat! The successful candidates will work on a range of projects and policy activities related to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and support ERRIN's work on influencing the EU Missions' implementation and further design. The deadline to apply is 25 September.

  • By Astrid Hannes

SEFS Working Group is calling for regional practices of knowledge valorisation

For its next meeting taking place on 2 October, ERRIN's Science and Education for Society (SEFS) Working Group is looking for regional best practices in the field of knowledge valorisation. We aim for practices including industry-academia co-creation and citizen-engagement. All R&I fields covered by ERRIN thematical Working Groups are of interest. We invite members to submit their contributions by 20 September.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

Following the summer break, the ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to announce a few updates on the network website that should further facilitate membership, networking within the community, understanding network services and engaging your colleagues and stakeholders in ERRIN, including re-opening of the ERRIN member directory, revised membership pages, and new leaflets.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Call for practices of mobilising regional innovation ecosystem stakeholders

On 2 October from 14:00-17:00, an in-person ERRIN mutual learning event will take place in Brussels, offering a chance for all network members to share and explore the ways to engage stakeholders in their regional innovation ecosystems. Colleagues who would like to showcase their practices in 5-minute presentations are invited to reach out at their earliest convenience.