Representatives of Brussels-based offices leading the work of the Science & Education for Society Working Group.
The Science & Education for Society Working Group addresses topics related to the concept of place-based universities and engagement with society and citizens while also working on the role of education (both VET and Higher Education) in the Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) as well as education and skills for research and innovation. The Working Group facilitates information sharing, knowledge development, and aims to strengthen existing and build new relationships with the EU institutions. Facilitating project development is also part of the Working Group's scope. For this purpose, the Working Group assesses the interest of the membership for specific calls under Erasmus+ and support in the most efficient way the members in building consortia, primarily with the ERRIN online tool for project development.
In the 2022 Council Recommendation, knowledge valorisation is referred to as the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different areas and sectors and by
As the activities of the EU Year of Skills came to an end in April 2024, the Science and Education for Society Working Group is organising a Working Group meeting to reflect on the lessons learnt
The European Year of Skills is coming to an end after the Pact for Skills Forum (21- 22 March) and the Closing event, taking place on 30 April, which will reflect on the achievements of the past year
The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-