New CHARTER Report: Forecast to Fill Gap in Heritage Education and Training

New CHARTER Report: Forecast to fill gap in Heritage Education and Training

The CHARTER EU Skills Alliance for Cultural Heritage, one of ERRIN's projects, is currently working on the last project research activities, and is about to consolidate the learnings from the past 3,5 years. 

In its new report Forecast to fill gaps in Heritage Education and Training, the CHARTER Alliance delves into the question of what the gaps and needs of Cultural Heritage professionals in Europe are. This report maps the main challenges for professional development in heritage, encompassing technology, sustainable development, professional collaboration, public administration, diversity, funding, social uses, knowledge transfer, occupation coding, and skills description.
With inputs coming from working meetings, partners, among which many regions, documents analysis, interviews with experts, and regional good policy practices, the report emphasizes the competences gaps in establishing and understanding the nature of heritage per se as an ecosystem and how professionals can position it a societal and future-oriented resource.

Among the many suggestions for improvements, the report highlights the importance of recognising non-formal and informal learning methods, recommending three models: communities of practice, virtuous learning circles, and professional learning networks.

You can read the full report here

Learn more about CHARTER project findings and policy recommendations?

You can learn more about the project learnings at the next ERRIN's Design and Creativity Working Group meeting taking place on 29 May, which is dedicated to "What is next for CCI after the Year of Skills?". You can register here

Get involved in the ERRIN discussion on skills governance, during the next ERRIN's Science and Education for Society Working Group meeting on 14 June, which will zoom into regional skills ecosystems, ways to strengthen skills governance at regional level and synergies and missing links between different EU instruments and policies (Education & Training and Regional development, ...).

CHARTER is one of ERRIN's projects and seeks to create a lasting, comprehensive sectoral skills strategy to guarantee Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies, including transversal competences such as digital/technological and green/blue economy skills. The consortium unites 28 members that represent some of the top education and training, organisations, networks and employers of the European cultural heritage sector.