Project Facilitation
ERRIN’s main project focus is to increase project opportunities for its members in the field of research and innovation. In addition, ERRIN can also join a proposal if it is in line with the overall mission of the network and/or be relevant for the priorities set by one or more Working Groups.
At ERRIN, transparency is key. Therefore, when we are invited into a project, we may share certain information with a number of members of our Management Board or Working Groups. ERRIN is not one organisation but a representation of over 120 regional actions.
Use the tabs below to learn about how ERRIN becomes involved in projects, what skills we bring to the table and what kind of projects we lend our support to. Read our project guidelines here.
Inviting ERRIN to join a project
Through its Working Groups, ERRIN provides information on future EU funding programmes and related calls for proposals, while also providing a space for members to build consortia to apply for future calls. This ranges from formal brokerage events and project development sessions to opportunities for informal pairings of common interests. ERRIN also provides a virtual project development tool in the form of the Partner Search section on its website. This tool enables both members and non-members to upload partner searches and interested parties from the network can make contact.
The following criteria determine ERRIN's consideration of a proposal:
• The proposal is in line with ERRIN’s priorities and supports its missions
• It generates direct benefits for ERRIN members
• It adds credibility and visibility towards the European Commission and other EU Institutions
• It paves the way for future project opportunities for ERRIN members
Project approval process
The ERRIN Secretariat has a methodology that ensures openness and transparency while avoiding competition with the network’s members. The secretariat should be the main point of contact for inquiries related to projects.
How it works:
1. The ERRIN management team consider the proposal with the appropriate working group leaders
2. If they cannot reach a decision they can consult the Project Task Force, comprised of Management Board Members, to share thoughts on the project proposal
3. The final decision on whether to take a project is made by the Management Team

Access to our members
ERRIN supports the participation of its members in projects that advance their and the wider network’s interests. ERRIN fosters collaboration and project development among its members by providing networking opportunities to share project ideas and boost collaboration between regions.

Partner Search
ERRIN's Partner Search feature enables both members and non-members to publish a detailed partner search request.
This online tool provides the opportunity to present the project idea and selected call as well as indicating the required partner characteristics, such as the type of organisation and geographical criteria.
It is also possible to filter published Partner Searches by:
- Funding Programme
- Partners Sought
- Country of Partner Sought
- Keyword Tag
- Working Group
Click here to view current partner searches and here to upload your own. Anyone can upload a partner search, but only members can browse them.
Follow the 'Project Opportunity' tag
The 'Project Opportunity' page is where all partner searches as well as noticeboard posts, news and events that relate to potential project opportunities are colated into one space. You can follow the 'Project Opportunity' tag to recieve updates about activity on the page direct to your inbox.
Requesting a Letter of Support
Due to a high volume of requests, it is not possible to evaluate each appeal for a Letter of Support. The ERRIN Director is responsible for issuing a Letter of Support but they are sometimes referred to the Management Board for approval.

ERRIN will only support projects with a Letter of Support if;
1. The ERRIN Secretariat was invited into the proposal but is unable to join due to internal capacity issues
2. The proposal directly involves ERRIN members
3. The ERRIN Secretariat isn’t aware of any competing proposals involving ERRIN members.
Requests for letters of support should be received well in advance of the submission deadline (approximately two months).
Please note that no Letter of Support can be provided for projects that do not involve ERRIN members. ERRIN members can also request support from ERRIN after their project has been approved. In this instance, the member should work with the relevant Working Group Leaders to align areas of common interest.

Communicating content can be done in many ways and towards a broad range of audiences. Reaching out to public administrations and speaking about policies is not the sexiest thing to do. ERRIN presents a unique communication approach through its specialisation in this sector, combining a thorough understanding of public affairs, a consolidated database of reliable contacts as well as extensive experience in pan-European communication.
Examples of actions in projects:
- Developing communication and dissemination strategies for EU projects
- Engaging with civil servants, regional innovators and citizens
- Building effective public relations with key regional players
- Designing online spaces and using digital tools to feature innovation

Networking comes in many forms, and ERRIN’s proven track across this range of actions showcases the organisation’s added value when involved for this purpose in project proposals.
Examples of actions in projects:
- Stakeholder mapping and benchmarking
- Building regional platforms
- Designing internal governance procedures
- Partnership development strategy
- Drafting sustainability plans

Replicating innovation in partnership with regional authorities is a unique selling point for many European project proposals. ERRIN offers a solid platform with nearly 15 years of extensive collaboration experience.
Examples of actions in projects:
- Selecting committed regional authorities for replication
- Co-designing a package of replication activities
- Acting as interface with regional administrations across Europe
- Coordinating replication actions at the regional level
- Curating engaging Innovation Showcases across European cities

Recommending policy-makers in an effective and sustainable way requires experience as well credibility and trustworthy relations across institutions. Extracting key messages to provide actionable advice to authorities entails access to evidence, ability to communicate efficiently, identifying the impactful decision-makers, etc. With over 10 years of experience in voicing regional concerns at the EU level and linking EU policies and programmes to regional strategies, ERRIN offers a unique know-how in the field of research and innovation policies at both the European and regional level.
Examples of actions in projects:
- Draft effective policy recommendations across policy areas
- Identify key players in the decision-making process
- Design effective toolkits for targeted policy-makers and civil servants
- Organise events, from face-to-face to large-scale, to influence policy
Brokerage Events
ERRIN organises brokerage events to support the involvement of its members in European projects. These events are developed through the Working Groups, as and when relevant topics or calls have been identified. These matchmaking opportunities are a unique framework to discuss, exchange and engage a broader community of potential consortium partners. It is about new establishing new connections, with the right people in prearranged meetings.
Past brokerage events organised or co-organised by ERRIN:
November 2017 - Horizon 2020 Circular Economy brokerage event
January 2018 - Brokerage event for innovation agencies
April 2019 - Energy brokerage event
December 2019 - Smart Cities brokerage event
June 2020 - BBI JU Online Project Facilitation Workshop