Latest Updates

  • By Anett Ruszanov

Concentrated solar power plant facilities wanted

Aston University is looking for concentrated solar power plant facilities (CSP – research or industry) in MS or associated countries that have thermal energy storage and a power block (electricity production). The proposal aims to develop a hybrid-model-based digital twin for CSP systems by integrating data-driven and physics-based methodologies at the component level.

  • By Michael Johnsson

"Roots & Roofs: Growing Resilient Communities in the South Baltic

The project aims to promote cooperative housing, cohousing and co-building communities as tools for social resilience, sustainable local development, and strengthened collaboration across the South Baltic region.

  • By Alejandro del Río

KID'S CLUSTER is loking for partners for the next EUROCLUSTERS call

KID'S CLUSTER is looking for partners in the creative and cultural industrial ecosystem.

  • By Anonymous

Skills for the green transition: Erasmus+ KA220 - Search for Partners for the project 'Mining for the Future'

‘Mining for the Future’ seeks to contribute to the transition of coal miners into employment in the green and digital sector, by ensuring the right upskilling and re-skilling opportunities. The focus will be on identifying short, technical courses to strengthen the qualification of miners for green industry jobs as well as identifying what measures and initiatives are necessary when it comes to the training of trainers.

  • By Helga Aunemo

Autonomy of persons with disabilities - TIPS center of Stavanger University Hospital looking for partners for HE call

The TIPS (Early Intervention in Psychosis) center at Stavanger University Hospital focuses on early detection and treatment of psychosis. We are looking for partners/consortia for the forthcoming HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-TRANSFO-10 call.

  • By Helga Aunemo

Improving mental health - TIPS center of Stavanger University Hospital looking for partners for HE call

The TIPS (Early Intervention in Psychosis) center at Stavanger University Hospital focuses on early detection and treatment of psychosis. We are looking for partners/consortia for the forthcoming HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-TRANSFO-09