Place-based R&I ecosystems

Building an effective European research and innovation policy, and optimising the impact of related funding programmes depends on strong interconnected R&I ecosystems embedded in regions and cities. Innovation happens in places and there are specific local conditions that enable ecosystems to flourish. Therefore, enhancing local and regional ecosystems and working towards achieving a less fragmented European innovation ecosystem is crucial. Supporting collaboration between different stakeholders – public administrations, universities, research organisations, companies, clusters and civil society – at regional level to strengthen ecosystems, as well as collaboration between ecosystems, are both essential to reach that goal.


ERRIN input to Horizon programmes 2014-2027 consultation

February 2023

ERRIN's work on ecosystems

Regional and local R&I ecosystems are at the heart of all ERRIN activities. The current multiannual financial framework (2021-2027) places increasing importance on the place-based dimension and includes several programmes and instruments that are developed around ecosystem thinking, requiring the engagement of multiple stakeholders and embracing quadruple helix collaboration. European Digital Innovation Hubs (Digital Europe Programme), European Innovation Ecosystems Action (Horizon Europe) and I3 Instrument (ERDF), are examples of such developments. ERRIN has actively contributed to all these instruments.

In the frame of Horizon Europe, ERRIN sees great potential of fostering a place-based dimension in the various parts of the programme and in particular under Pillar II in EU Missions and European Partnerships, Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) as well as Pillar III European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) and European Innovation Council (EIC). The network is also advocating strong place-based ecosystem approach in the future cohesion policy post-2027 (see our input from August 2023 here).

When it comes to wider initiatives at the EU level to strengthen the regional and local R&I ecosystems, the network actively follows and engages in undertakings such as the ones below, further described in separate subpages:

ERRIN event on building a regional innovation ecosystem

ERRIN’s policy messages

Ecosystem approach is a vital underlying principle for realising the full potential of research and innovation in Europe. The following points should be taken into account:

  • Strengthening attention towards exploring place-based strategic policymaking tools and methods such as the Partnership for Regional Innovation (PRI) based on smart specialisation (S3)
  • Implementing, more broadly in Horizon Europe, calls that engage the whole regional and local ecosystems
  • Involving cities and regions as demonstrators to tackle needs and challenges on the ground
  • Identifying and reinforcing ecosystem connectors with an ability to bring together different stakeholder groups (representing various interests and combining various funding programmes)

Key funding instruments supporting ecosystem thinking

Latest Updates

  • By Astrid Hannes

SEFS Working Group is calling for regional practices of knowledge valorisation

For its next meeting taking place on 2 October, ERRIN's Science and Education for Society (SEFS) Working Group is looking for regional best practices in the field of knowledge valorisation. We aim for practices including industry-academia co-creation and citizen-engagement. All R&I fields covered by ERRIN thematical Working Groups are of interest. We invite members to submit their contributions by 20 September.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

Following the summer break, the ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to announce a few updates on the network website that should further facilitate membership, networking within the community, understanding network services and engaging your colleagues and stakeholders in ERRIN, including re-opening of the ERRIN member directory, revised membership pages, and new leaflets.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

Call for practices of mobilising regional innovation ecosystem stakeholders

On 2 October from 14:00-17:00, an in-person ERRIN mutual learning event will take place in Brussels, offering a chance for all network members to share and explore the ways to engage stakeholders in their regional innovation ecosystems. Colleagues who would like to showcase their practices in 5-minute presentations are invited to reach out at their earliest convenience.

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

A year and a half of building resilience together – RESIST project wrapped

The RESIST project, aimed at enhancing climate resilience across twelve EU regions, has made significant progress over the past year and a half. Four frontrunner regions are leading the way in testing climate adaptation solutions, paired with regions facing similar challenges. Key achievements include boosting regional ecosystems, developing a needs assessment methodology, creating a transfer methodology for innovations, building digital twins for climate scenario modelling, compiling a repository of climate adaptation practices, producing a series of project videos, and launching "The Stitch" newsletter to keep stakeholders informed. The project follows the "quintuple helix" innovation model, ensuring solutions are scalable and based on real challenges.

  • By Silvia Ghiretti

Call for new Leaders: Energy and Climate Change Working Group

ERRIN’s Energy and Climate Change Working Group is looking for two new leaders to join the leadership team composed of Scotland Europa, Oslo Region EU Office, Cities Northern Netherlands and West Finland EU Office. Express your interest by Friday 30 August!

  • By Daniele Ruggiano

The Forward-Looking Survey - European Urban Initiative

The European Urban Initiative (EUI) has launched a forward-looking survey to gather vital insights from urban practitioners and policymakers across Europe. This survey, hosted on Portico, aims to identify key trends, challenges, knowledge gaps and support needs in European sustainable urban development. The survey will be open from 6 June until 12 July.