The Design & Creativity WG aims to raise awareness of design and creativity as tools and drivers for innovation in different sectors and across Europe. Our objectives are the following: To present challenges; especially in relation to sectors that do not yet work with design (thinking) and creativity; to showcase the importance of design & creativity through good examples and concrete cases; to create a strong and vital community among our stakeholders across Europe through a bottom-up approach; to connect designers, thinkers, business, policy and society interested in finding common solutions for different challenges and to create opportunities for the WG members to develop project proposals, share their ideas, stories and ongoing activities with the EU community.
The 12th edition of EU Design Day will happen in Brussels on 17 September 2024, gathering key stakeholders from the design and creativity sectors for a networking opportunity with familiar and new
In the 2022 Council Recommendation, knowledge valorisation is referred to as the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different areas and sectors and by
The European Year of Skills is coming to an end after the Pact for Skills Forum (21- 22 March) and the Closing event, taking place on 30 April, which will reflect on the achievements of the past year
As a consolidation of the open dialogue and collaboration between the ERRIN and the Joint Research Center, ERRIN members are invited to provide inputs and recommendations to support the shaping and
The topic of widening gathers high attention in the discussions around the next European Framework Programme for R&I, raising questions with the potential to influence not only the Widening sub-
The only Brussels-based event dedicated to European Design. Check more information here.