EU Design Day 2024

EU Design Day 2024

The 12th edition of EU Design Day will happen in Brussels on 17 September 2024, gathering key stakeholders from the design and creativity sectors for a networking opportunity with familiar and new faces, while being inspired by insightful initiatives and projects! This year's topic will be: From citizens to citizens - shared places in community spaces.

The three thematic panels will be around: 

  • Green transition: recycling and reuse, circular economy (e.g. repair cafés, recycling centres, etc.), sustainable food (e.g. shared gardens and from farm to fork), slow and soft mobility (supporting coworking spaces) etc.
  • Digital transition: digital inclusion, use of AI, smart data management, development of digital skills, FabLab, etc.
  • Societal challenges: maintaining local services and social links (e.g. bars, restaurants, public services, etc.), local production and consumption (e.g. maker-spaces), cultural programming, entrepreneurship support, inclusion of vulnerable groups, etc.

Take a look at the past editions of the EU Design Days here. The agenda can be found on the right-hand site. The registration to the event is now closed due to reached capacity.