Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument
For the past years, ERRIN and its members have been closely following the development of the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument, formerly known as Component 5. I3 Instrument is funded under ERDF and aims to support the commercialisation and scaling-up of interregional innovation projects in shared smart specialisation priority areas.
Together with other partner organisations, we voiced the regions’ interest in the scheme as well as their concern regarding its implementation and budget. I3 Instrument was designed as a new funding scheme to accelerate innovation market uptake. It was even more relevant in the context of COVID-related challenges. In 2022 and 2023 ERRIN Smart Specialisation Working Group has organised meetings to facilitate the development of projects under current I3 calls.

I3 Expert Group
ERRIN was selected to join the European Commission's expert group on Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument - the I3 Expert Group. One of the co-leaders of the Smart Specialisation Working Group, Lucie Durocher from Region Sud, represents ERRIN within this expert group. This close contact with the European Commission (DG REGIO) helped us to have a better grasp of the nature of the I3 and share with DG REGIO our suggestions and remarks.
Learn more about ERRIN's work on place-based innovation ecosystems here.