Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument

For the past years, ERRIN and its members have been closely following the development of the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument, formerly known as Component 5. I3 Instrument is funded under ERDF and aims to support the commercialisation and scaling-up of interregional innovation projects in shared smart specialisation priority areas. 

Together with other partner organisations, we voiced the regions’ interest in the scheme as well as their concern regarding its implementation and budget. I3 Instrument was designed as a new funding scheme to accelerate innovation market uptake. It was even more relevant in the context of COVID-related challenges. In 2022 and 2023 ERRIN Smart Specialisation Working Group has organised meetings to facilitate the development of projects under current I3 calls.


I3 Expert Group

ERRIN was selected to join the European Commission's expert group on Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument - the I3 Expert Group. One of the co-leaders of the Smart Specialisation Working Group, Lucie Durocher from Region Sud, represents ERRIN within this expert group. This close contact with the European Commission (DG REGIO) helped us to have a better grasp of the nature of the I3 and share with DG REGIO our suggestions and remarks. 

Learn more about ERRIN's work on place-based innovation ecosystems here

Latest Updates

  • By Ewa Chomicz

I3 Support Facility launch & call to participate in discussion groups

In January, EISMEA and DG REGIO launched the I3 Support Facility to enhance interregional innovation ecosystems and support the I3 Instrument, offering a comprehensive set of services for regional stakeholders. As one of the first developments, a call for expression of interest for participation in the I3 Support Facility Policy Lab Discussion Groups is now open from 28 January until 16 February.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

A look back at the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2024

The XIII edition of the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) conference took place on 13-14 November 2024 in Budapest. The event focused on regions as catalysts of European RDI competitiveness and brought together over a hundred regional stakeholders from across Europe, including ERRIN, for two days of intense discussions and networking. Find out our key takeaways from the multiple topics covered.

  • By Maria Bostrom

Have Your Say on the Future of Regional Innovation Valleys

The European Commission invites all regions – whether selected as RIVs or not – to share feedback on the RIV initiative to help shape future calls and align them with regional needs. Deadline to answer the questionnaire is 15 November.

  • By Anonymous

Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1 - Government of the Canary Islands, Directorate of Self-Employment looking for consortium to join proposal

The Directorate of Economy, Industry, Trade, and Self-Employment of the Canary Islands aims to participate in the I3 Instrument Strand 1 to advance its strategic objectives through interregional cooperation. The proposal focuses on enhancing the competitiveness, efficiency, and resilience of the Canary Islands’ regional innovation ecosystem by fostering collaboration with more developed EU regions.

  • By Anonymous

Mutual learning and support scheme for national and regional innovation programmes - Government of the Canary Islands, Directorate of Self-Employment looking for consortium to join proposal

The Directorate of Economy, Industry, Trade, and Self-Employment of the Canary Islands focuses on improving the regional innovation ecosystem by fostering greater cooperation between public authorities, SMEs and start-ups, and enhancing the region’s ability to integrate into European innovation value chains.

  • By Anonymous

Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a - Government of the Canary Islands, Directorate of Self-Employment looking for consortium to join proposal

The Directorate of Economy, Industry, Trade, and Self-Employment of the Canary Islands seeks to leverage the I3 Instrument Strand 2a call to strengthen the integration of innovation actors from the region into European value chains. The proposal aligns with the Directorate’s strategic objectives, targeting innovation, competitiveness, and economic diversification through digital and green transitions, while also fostering collaboration with more developed EU regions.