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  • By Astrid Hannes

CHARTER’s Recommendations: A roadmap for a thriving cultural heritage sector

CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance funded by Erasmus+, has released its twelve recommendations to strengthen the heritage sector by addressing skills gaps, promoting lifelong learning and fostering professional mobility. Discover the full recommendations to understand how CHARTER is shaping a resilient and forward-thinking heritage ecosystem.

  • By Astrid Hannes

Discover the project results of the CHARTER European Skills Alliance for Cultural Heritage

After four years of collaboration under the Erasmus+ funded CHARTER project, in which ERRIN has spearheaded efforts to explore place-based cultural heritage ecosystems across the Basque Country, Sibiu County, Bremen, Alentejo, Tuscany and Västra Göteland, CHARTER presented its results at the final conference in Barcelona. Learn more about the CHARTER's recommendations, main outcomes about emerging curricula, upskills strategies and regional cultural heritage skills ecosystems.

  • By Astrid Hannes

What lies ahead for cultural heritage? CHARTER’s new report unveils future scenarios and their associated challenges, opportunities and skills needs

What lies ahead for cultural heritage? CHARTER’s new report unveils future scenarios and outlines challenges, opportunities, implications for skills and future jobs, and education and training needs, aiming to address and anticipate the impacts of geostrategic dynamics, climate change, circular economy, and digital technologies on cultural heritage.

  • By Astrid Hannes

CHARTER Alliance presents the 8 education and training pathways and curricula for the future of cultural heritage

CHARTER, the European Skills Alliance for Cultural Heritage, presents eight innovative and emerging training pathways for the future of the cultural heritage sector. The full report contains information for Education and Training providers, ranging from EQF level 3 to 8, to innovate their Education and Training offer. It highlights examples of emerging occupations and professional profiles, learning outcomes, and recommended curricula outlines.

  • By Astrid Hannes

How is cultural heritage integrated into regional development? CHARTER Alliance publishes new report on six regional case studies conducted by ERRIN

CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance funded by Erasmus+, has released a new report showcasing findings and conclusions from six regional case studies conducted by ERRIN members in the Basque Country (Spain), Sibiu (Romania), Bremen (Germany), Alentejo (Portugal), Tuscany (Italy), and Västra Götaland (Sweden) in 2021-2023. The report synthesises how skills for cultural heritage are integrated into regional development policies and strategies, examining sector-integrated dynamics within these regional ecosystems. The report provides recommendations for developing long-term regional skills policies, enhancing skills governance and strengthening skills intelligence at the regional level through data-driven policies.

  • By Astrid Hannes

New CHARTER Report: Forecast to fill gap in Heritage Education and Training

In its new report, "Forecast to fill gaps in Heritage Education and Training", the CHARTER EU Alliance delves into the gaps and needs of Cultural Heritage professionals in Europe. This report maps the main challenges for professional development in heritage, encompassing technology, sustainable development, professional collaboration, public administration, diversity, funding, social uses, knowledge transfer, occupation coding, and skills description.