Perform EU

Call Information
Call Title
Perform EU
Call Reference
Funding Programme
Scope and expected outcomes

After a highly successful pilot project (2020-2022), Perform Europe continues to put emphasis on exploring, with the performing arts sector, how cross-border touring can be made fairer, greener, and more inclusive. Perform Europe (2023- 2026) is a funding scheme offering EUR 2.1 million through cascading grants for performing arts collaborations and existing productions across all 40 Creative Europe countries.

Perform Europe will grant EUR 2.1 million to at least 35 partnerships. Of the total funding, 5% will be allocated to projects which involve a partnership with Ukrainian partners or support initiatives for the Ukrainian performing arts sector.

Applicants can apply for grants in three categories:

1.  EUR 12 000 Small partnership projects 

2.   EUR 32 000 Medium partnership projects 

3.   EUR 60 000 Large partnership projects (maximum amount granted per partnership)


More information about the open call can be found here


Information sessions will be held during the period of application by the Perform Europe consortium. More info can be found here.


For any additional information please read the FAQ, register to the bi-weekly online Help Desk sessions, or contact the consortium at  

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