Picture showing the logos of Gothenburg European Office, Svenskt Vatten and EurEau

An ambitious EU Chemicals Strategy and a broad PFAS restriction - a prerequisite for urban water resilience

Gothenburg European Office, EurEau and Svenskt Vatten invite you to their EU Green Week Partner Event: An ambitious EU Chemicals Strategy and a broad PFAS restriction – a requisite for urban water resilience, discussing which key actions we see as necessary for tackling PFAS pollution in our water bodies.

By focusing on upstream (control at source) measures, the Polluter Pays Principle and introducing a ban on PFAS chemicals, they consider how ensuring an ambitious implementation of the EU Chemicals Strategy can help meet the zero-pollution ambition and increase coherence of EU water policy, ensuring we all have enough safe and affordable water to fulfil all of society’s needs. 

The event will take place in Rue du Commerce 31, 1000 Bruxelles, on 4 June 2024, 14:00 - 16:15 CET.

To register for the event, click here.

Please note! Due to a limited number of on-site places, your registration is pending confirmation. Register before 3 June 2024 CET: 16:00.


  • Svenskt Vatten, Senior Environmental Advisor, Anders Finnson


  • European Commission (DG ENVI), Policy Officer, Valentina Bertato 
  • EurEau, Secretary General, Oliver Loebel 
  • Chemsec, Senior Chemicals and Business Advisor, Jonatan Kleimark
  • City of Gothenburg (The sustainable waste and water department), R&D Manager, Lena Blom