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CareAge Conference - Ageing societies: research, education, and practice – Sustainable collaboration in old age care

The conference organised by CareSam from 5-6 June 2023, highlights how it is possible to build bridges between academia/research, practice, and Ph.D. education – and how we can cooperate and work together in a long-time perspective. The Conference departs from the basic assumption that ageing and ageing societies must be understood through interdisciplinary approaches and that academia, students, and the field of practice gain from collaboration. Better quality of life and healthier lives means increased human life expectancy in late modern societies. The growth of ageing populations indeed represents a valuable resource, but is also brings societal and economic challenges, as parts of the ageing population will represent vulnerable lives. At the same time the health and care sector suffers from a recruitment crisis, with staff shortage and quick staff turnover. Digital health technologies are seen as a solution to some of these problems, but a solution that demands new competences from staff and older adults themselves. To be able to understand and face the challenges in ethically responsible ways it is necessary to join resources and interdisciplinary perspectives from academia and practice in sustainable cross border collaboration.

  • How could sustainable collaborative processes and interdisciplinary perspectives on community building connecting practice, research, and education shed light on societal challenges in ageing societies? 
  • How can we combine societal benefits, research, education, and practice perspectives within the community-building framework?

Registration for the conference will open on 1 March 2023