CBE JU Forum 2023 What next for the European Bio-based sector?

CBE JU Stakeholder Forum 2023: What next for the European bio-based sector?

Save the date for the CBE JU Stakeholders' Forum which will take place on 6-7 December 2023 in Brussels. The Forum will engage all stakeholders, from primary producers and researchers to industry and decision-makers,  in a dynamic discussion on how to bring bio-based solutions to the market and keep the European leadership of the sector.

The forum will discuss how to stimulate the demand for circular bio-based solutions, how to facilitate access to finance and what R&I is needed for European bio-based leadership in the medium term. It will focus on three questions that are crucial for the successful development of the circular bio-based sector across Europe: 

How to stimulate demand for circular bio-based solutions?

  • How can we boost investments in the bio-based sector?
  • What do consumers and industries need to take up bio-based products and solutions?
  • Which successful models could be transferred from other sectors?

How to facilitate access to finance to scale up circular bio-based production in Europe?

  • What can we learn from successful financial engineering examples?
  • Can success stories from other continents be implemented in Europe?
  • What financing models could foster the replication of industrial plants in EU?

What R&I do we need to keep the European leadership in bio-based sector in the medium-long term?

  • As a major contributor to the ambitious EU climate goals, what R&I does the bio-based sector need to thrive?
  • What are the sector’s R&I priorities for the next 30 years?
  • Which emerging technologies does the sector need to remain competitive on the global market?

Successful examples and lessons learnt will underpin the discussion.

You can find more information on this event webpage