Cities Forum 2023

Cities Forum 2023

The 5th edition of the Cities Forum will take place in Torino from 16-17 March 2023. It will consider current urban challenges, with a focus on green transition in cities and social inclusion.

The event brings together key urban stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels who are committed to a green and just future of cities.

The Cities Forum is a biennial event of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy. For this edition, the host is Torino, a city with a vast history in urban transformation due to its transition from a factory town to a city of knowledge, culture and innovation.

The Cities Forum 2023 will offer high-level debates, participatory sessions and interactive workshops on cohesion and recovery in cities. It will provide participants with a unique opportunity to network and discuss the recent developments of various EU initiatives and policies as well as to explore our host city through several site visits. 

Learn more and register here.