Climate-neutral cities by 2030: delivering results through multi-stakeholder engagement

Climate-neutral cities by 2030: delivering results through multi-stakeholder engagement

ERRIN, together with the MOSAIC project and the European Commission, will host the session ‘Climate-neutral cities by 2030: delivering results through multi-stakeholder engagement’ at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023.

The session, taking place at SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Room 400 on 10 October at 14:30 CET, aims to explore the power of co-creation as a catalyst for social innovation on the path to climate neutrality.

The workshop will present the approach of four Mission Cities to multi-stakeholder engagement for climate neutrality, including examples of two co-creation processes carried out within the context of the EU-funded MOSAIC project. Through their presentations, attendees will gain valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges encountered when employing such collaborative methods.

The workshop will feature a dynamic fishbowl discussion, designed to foster active participation and knowledge sharing. The unique setup will involve one seat always being left vacant. As the conversation evolves, audience will be encouraged to occupy the empty seat, providing them with the opportunity to share their perspectives and ideas on climate neutrality and co-creation. This interactive format promises to create a dynamic and inclusive dialogue, allowing attendees to actively contribute to the discussion. 

See the full agenda attached and register for the event here.