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Connecting Nature Innovation Summit

Over three days in March the Innovation Summit will bring together an international audience to explore how we shift to sustainable, greener cities that deliver for their citizens using nature-based solutions. It will share the learning from the community of cities involved in the Connecting Nature project and introduce the innovative tools and methods being developed through the project.

We are facing huge, unprecedented problems: a global pandemic, climate change and an ecological emergency. As countries and cities adapt to living with Covid-19 and implement recovery strategies they have been presented with a unique opportunity: an opportunity to build back better and to use innovative solutions to do so. Building a strong city ecosystem using nature-based solutions that support society, nature and economic growth is key but it will be challenging to build.

The Summit will showcase exemplar projects from across Europe with a focus on Glasgow and Scotland. It will demonstrate methods being developed collaboratively by Connecting Nature partners to realise the co-benefits of nature in cities.

Join the Summit online to explore the challenges and opportunities and hear more about innovations emerging to support the design, implementation and stewardship of nature-based solutions in cities.

Hosted on a virtual platform with panel discussions, presentations, workshops and opportunities to connect with other delegates. 

Who should come?

The Summit wants to engage with other global cities, politicians, urban and environmental practitioners, funding bodies, policy and decision makers at a national and international level. We’d like to encourage learning and dialogue between cities, academics, community organisations, environmental businesses, NGOs and third sector organisations.

Learn more about the event and register here.