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CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session

The Waterfront Cities Session is organised by the EU Mission on Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 (Mission Ocean & Waters) and the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities (Cities Mission) in collaboration with the CrAFt project on 19 February between 10:30-12:00. 

The session will highlight how the Ocean and Waters Mission urban dimension intersects with the blue infrastructure component of the Cities Mission. This will be explored through three projects in the EU Mission portfolio that operate in the overlapping Cities-Oceans/Waters space.

The session will provide a sneak peek at upcoming services to be provided to the Charter of the Mission Ocean & Waters. It will also showcase how waterfront cities involved in projects funded under the Cities Mission and horizontally under the EU Missions use blue infrastructure as a key component of urban spatial planning to support the transition to climate neutrality and greater climate resilience.


  • Cities Mission cities and communities
  • Ocean & Waters cities and communities
  • New European Bauhaus cities and communities

Find the agenda and the registration here