ECRN conference on building the sustainable chemincal industry of tomorrow - Regional response to common European challanges

ECRN conference on building the sustainable chemincal industry of tomorrow - Regional response to common European challanges

The European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) is organising a conference that will look at the role of regions in delivering the European Green Deal. It will highlight the potential of promising new technologies for accelerating the chemical industry's transition towards a circual, carbon netural and bio-based economy.

The main themes the conference will address are:

  • Fuel for the future: the role of hydrogen for a carbon free Europe
  • Regional solutions to upscale the bio-based chemical production in Europe
  • Closing the loop with chemical recycling: innovative solutions to halt plastic waste.

The event will be a space to discuss how to bring about a sustainable and inclusive future for the European chemical industry. 

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