Local actors driving the greening of VET

EU Green Week Partner Event 2023: Local Actors driving the greening of VET

    The cities of Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Turku are all part of the EU Mission 100 Climate-neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. Sustainable and circular development, as well as digitalisation of our economies and societies, are crucial in achieving the net zero targets. A big challenge to achieving the low-carbon economy is the lack of green skills in the work force. Together with representatives from DG EMPL, Business Europe and EfVET, we will discuss the role of local VET initiatives in the green transition.

    • When: 6 June 2023 09:30-11:45 (CEST)
    • Where: Brussels (Hybrid)

    Please register for the event here

    Due to a limited number of on-site places, your registration is pending confirmation. Please sign up before 5 June 2023 CEST: 16:00.



    • Business Europe, Senior Advisor, Robert Plummer


    • European Commission (DG EMPL), Policy Officer, Tim Van Rie
    • European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), President, Joachim James Calleja
    • City of Gothenburg (The Green New Deal programme), Project Manager, John Harfouche,
    • City of Turku (KESTU project), Project Manager, Sanna Paloposki
    • Copenhagen area case TBC, TBC