Transport WG

EU Regions Week: The future of transport workforce - retaining talent and developing skills for regional development

The transport sector is crossing a new digital frontier, with increased automation and connectivity, fostering benefits for users and the mobility system as a whole, including making transport safer, more accessible and sustainable. However, this presents a range of challenges for public authorities in retaining talent for regional growth. What job functions will be created, lost and transformed? What will the role of EU legislation be? How can public authorities ensure their voices are heard?

As part of the European Week of Region and Cities, ERRIN is joining Ile-de-France Region, Baden-Wurttemberg Land, Centre Val de Loire Region, the European Commission and POLIS network to discuss the challenges of digital transition in the transport sector, particularly focusing on the creation, transformation and loss of jobs.


Speakers include:

  • Miriam Koch, Consultant, Ministry Of Transport Of The State Of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Anne BESNIER, Vice- President, Centre-Val De Loire Region
  • Mathieu Cuip, Member, European Committee Of The Regions
  • Elisabeth Kotthaus,  Head of Unit, DG MOVE


Please find more information and register for the on-site meeting hereEvery participant must have created and completed their EULogin account before registering for the session. 

To attend the meeting online, please register here in addition to the registration above.