EU Sparks for Climate: European Citizens Hackathon Championship

EU Sparks for Climate: European Citizens Hackathon Championship

The 'EU Sparks for Climate' initiative is organising a series of online hackathons in several countries to facilitate the collaborative creation of innovative technological and social solutions by teams of citizens and researchers in support of the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change.

To participate, citizens must first propose a climate challenge relevant to their community, city or region, while researchers must bring their expertise to work with citizens to develop the solutions.

Hackathons will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons, as well as on Saturdays (full day). All hackathons will be virtual.

Each hackathon is facilitated by a local host. There are local hosts in 18 Member States and 4 associated countries. The winners of each local hackathon will have access to a dedicated training and coaching programme aimed at honing their skills and preparing them for the EU final.

At the EU final, three winning teams will be selected to receive €5,000 per team, access to the Angel Investors Network, tailored mentoring, support to commercialise the solution, support for a crowdfunding campaign and support to scale the solution.

Learn more about the exact dates of the nationally-led online hackathons on the dedicated website and register here.