Leaflet of event on the EU AI Act.

The European AI Act: Advancing solutions to a global challenge

Negotiations regarding the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (#AIAct) are entering their final phase, as the European Parliament and the Council, with the mediation of the European Commission, work on the last details of this eagerly awaited legislation. An agreement is expected during the coming days. In fact, the next meeting of the trilogue will take place next week, on 6 December.

In light of the high expectation surrounding these negotiations, the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia want to facilitate a compelling debate on the proposal by organising a public event the day before, 5 December at 10:00, at the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union.

We'll bring together leading civil society organisations, top experts and authorities, leading developers, practitioners and decisive decision makers.
They will share their views and explore the agreed-upon text of this very relevant legislation, and what impact it might bear upon Europe and on the broader global landscape.

Please register for the event here.



09:50    Doors open

10:00    Opening address

  • Ignasi Centelles, Representative of the Government of Catalonia to the EU

10:15    Keynote:

  • Gina Tost, Secretary for Digital Affairs, Government of Catalonia

10:30    Europe’s AI Act: An Inspiration for the World

  • Ella Jakubowska, Senior Policy Adviser, European Digital Rights (EDRi)
  • Sergey Lagodinsky, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/ALE), AI Act shadow rapporteur
  • Jeremy Rollison, Head of EU Policy & Senior Director, European Government Affairs, Microsoft
  • Tony Vanderstraete, Head of Digital Strategy and Transformation, Flanders Digital Agency

11:15    Q&A

11:30  The Global Conversation on an AI Regulation

  • Rashad Abelson, Technology Sector Lead / Due Diligence Expert, OECD.AI
  • Marjorie Buchser, Executive Director of the Digital Society Initiative, Chatham House
  • Paula Pérez, Program Officer, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
  • Gina Tost, Secretary for Digital Affairs, Government of Catalonia

12:15    Q&A

12:30    Networking opportunity