RFCS event in Venice

European clean steel: stand up together for a future low emission industry – Hydrogen: a powerful ally

The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), in cooperation with the Veneto Region (Italy), will host a workshop bringing together stakeholders involved in the decarbonisation of the European steel industry.

The objectives of the event are:

  • To present the EU policy priorities for steel with a focus on the European Green Deal targets
  • To raise awareness about the EU support to the European steel industry and research
  • To highlight the outcomes of projects funded under the RFCS, in particular their efforts on decarbonising and improving the environmental footprint of the steel making process
  • To promote the new RFCS calls for proposal and other European Commission opportunities for the steel industry and research.

A particular focus will be given to the use of hydrogen in steel making, in line with the European Commission updated Strategic Energy Technology Plan, that aims ‘to establish a dedicated workstream on hydrogen to implement the European Research Area pilot on green hydrogen’.

Please find the agenda here

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