European MetaCluster in Precision Medicine

MEDIC NEST Consortium is organising a conference dedicated to the launch of the MEDIC NEST European MetaCluster in Precision Medicine, scheduled on January 24th, 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

MEDIC-NEST (Precision MEDIcine Clusters integrating Digital Technologies for New EcoSystems in HealthCare) is a COSME funded European project that developed activities to strengthen cluster management excellence and to facilitate strategic partnering & exchange among clusters and specialized eco-systems across Europe in the field of precision medicine, between 1st of February 2022 – 31 of January 2024.  

The coordinator of the consortium is the Cluster Imago-Mol (Romania) supported by Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est and, together with the partner clusters MEDVIA (Belgium), HBio Cluster (Greece) and Leon Research on behalf of SIVI Cluster (Spain), has established the Medic Nest European Meta-Cluster in Precision Medicine.

MEDIC NEST is a voluntary, open and agile alliance of European clusters and business supporting organisations strongly believing in the role of inter-cluster, cross border and cross-sectoral collaboration supporting the internationalization, growth and global competitiveness of the European Precision Medicine Ecosystem.

More information like agenda and the resgistration are available here.