The European Commission's annual flagship event, European Research and Innovation Days brings stakeholders together to shape the future of Europe's research and innovation landscape.
Adjusted to accommodate challenges posed by the unprecedented global crisis, the three-day event will continue as planned on 22nd-24th September 2020, but will now go ahead as a virtual event. Interactive sessions will allow participants to provide input on how research and innovation policy and funding can propel Europe's recovery and lay the path for a green, digital and resilient future.
Building on last year's event, the 2020 edition will have three days of intensive policy co-designing with thought-provoking panels and matchmaking opportunities. As the event falls just before the launch of Horizon Europe and an enhanced European Research Area, the event will serve as a unique opportunity to discuss how R&I will benefit the future of Europe.
This year will also feature 'Science is Wonderful' - a series of virtual fun activities for friends, families and classes to join in order to enjoy science experiments online.
Registration is now open, find more information and instructions on how to register here.
The draft programme of events is now available here. Find below a selection of events likely to be of particular interest to ERRIN members:
22/09 | 11:30: Mission area: Oceans
22/09 | 17:00: Mission area: Climate - ERRIN's director Pirita Lindholm will speak about the regional view on the development and implementation of the mission.
23/09 | 12:00: Oceans Mission
23/09 | 14:00: Mission area: Cities - Transport WG leader Françoise Guaspare will speak at this event.
24/09 | 09:30: Mission area: Cancer
24/09 | 11:00: 100 Climate-neutral cities by 2030
Horizon Europe
24/09 | 09:00: Horizon Europe Strategic Planning
Boosting R&I
22/09 | 12:30: Building the new European Innovation Council: Putting Europe at the forefront of deep tech and breakthrough innovation
22/09 | 12:30: Horizon Results Platform: Making results matter - ERRIN member Camille Lépinay will speak on this panel.
23/09 | 12:00: "Synergies - Innovative instruments for implementation"
23/09 | 16:00: Synergies: New opportunities to leverage R&I funding and maximise impact
Science and Education for Society
22/09 | 14:00: Co-design session - "HE partnerships transitioning to more effective Open Science and Open Innovation - How EOSC can help you"
23/09 | 10:30: The future of universities in Europe: Supporting institutional transformations and the European University Initative
24/09 | 12:00: Supporting the innovation capacity of Higher Education in Europe
24/09 | 14:00: Synergies European Education Area & European Research Area: Towards a knowledge Strategy
Green Deal
22/09 | 11:30: Innovating for the Green Deal
22/09 | 14:00: Circular and bio-based: Towards a carbon neutral and sustainable economy
22/09 | 17:00: Sustainability by design. Embedding sustainability criteria throughout life cycle of products and processes
23/09 | 09:00: Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way
23/09 | 12:00: Clean Transport - Acting now for a green recovery!
23/09 | 14:00: Info day on the European Green Deal Call for Proposals under Horizon 2020 - introduction and presentation of topics
24/09 | 09:00: Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call Digital Info Day
ICT & Health
22/09 | 11:30: Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, today and tomorrow
23/09 | 09:00: Latest research on technologies for energy-efficient data hosting and processing: the future of health data management
23/09 | 16:00: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence in medical research: can we have it all?