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European Universities Initiative - Building the universities of the future

European Universities are transnational alliances promoting European values, and working to revolutionise the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. Through the initiative, the Commission is making a key contribution to building the universities of the future.

Ministers, representatives of the 17 European Universities, students and academics will explore a range of topics related to the future of higher education at the event, including:

- the need for the next generation of students, teachers and researchers to find solutions to contemporary societal challenges

- preparing young people for the jobs and society of the future

- accelerating the transformation of Europe's higher education institutions to ensure their quality, inclusiveness and international competitiveness

The event will include an information session on the second call for proposals for the European Universities Initiative, due to be launched this autumn. This will be complemented by a closed morning dialogue with the selected European Universities and an informal dinner between EU ministers responsible for higher education.

To join the event, please register here by 30 October. (Due to limited capacity, your registration will need to be confirmed). In the meantime, there are plenty of ways to keep up with what's happening online:

Around 7 November 2019, we’ll be regularly updating this page to share insights into the European Universities Initiative. 

Be sure to catch up with the latest by following:

The Commission will also web stream the event.


This event will mark nearly two years since the Gothenburg Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth of November 2017 and the European Council meeting of December 2017. At the latter, EU Heads of State and Government called on member states, the Council and the Commission to continue to work towards the creation of a European Education Area by 2025.

Since then, progress towards this vision has continued with the European Universities Initiative inspiring higher education institutions across the EU. 

Different models for cooperation for the initiative are currently being tested through two calls for proposals under the Erasmus+ programme.