EWRC session

EWRC session: Governing local heritage together

Participatory governance in cultural heritage is about inclusive and people-centred approaches that involve the public sector, private stakeholders and civil society in co-designing cultural heritage policies and activities and share their management, for the benefit of communities and as a resource for innovation and territorial development.

The workshop will explore how cities and regions foster participatory governance and civic engagement in cultural heritage, based on lessons learned from the Cultural Heritage in Action project. 

Cultural Heritage in Action is the new EU-funded peer-learning scheme on cultural heritage for cities and regions and is implemented by the workshop co-organisers Cultural Heritage in Action

Draft agenda of the workshop: 

  • Introduction by the moderator (J. Hervé EUROCITIES)
  • European policy context and support activities for cities and regions on cultural heritage (M. Hofman DG EAC)
  • Local policy trends to foster participatory governance in cultural heritage (A. LeGall KEA)
  • Presentations of two initiatives featured in the Cultural Heritage in Action catalogue of good practices 
    • Commonlands: cultural community mapping in Alpine areas, Stefania Cerutti, PhD, Associate Professor in economic and political geography, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)
    • Discovering 300 years of history between four walls: 14 Henrietta Street in Dublin, Speaker from the Dublin City Council culture company
  • Q&A with participants
  • Conclusions and information on opportunities to attend peer-learning visits.

Deadline for registration is 27th of September. Registration and more information here. General information about the session can be found here.