Global hack

Global Hack: online hackathon to build resilience post-pandmeic

The European Commission has leant its support to an upcoming global hackathon to create solutions to problems posed during to coronavirus pandemic. The Global Hack will partner people from around the world to exchange ideas, know-how and best practices, bringing together world-class mentors and teams to build innovative solutions. 

The solutions will showcase how digital innovations can be used to connect local neighborhoods and people facing the greatest vulnerabilities. The Commission will provide up to €75,000 to the Global Hack for prize money to the winning teams. It will also provide input to the government related challenges related to start-ups, small businesses and eHealth. 

The Global Hack will take place completely online from 9th - 12th April, please note the times on the agenda take place in UTC time. Learn more about how to get involved and the Commission's contribution here