Green Biorefinery- a Green Deal for agriculture

Research has shown that the cultivation of perennial green biomass crops reduces the use of pesticides, leaching of nitrogen and the climate impact of agriculture. Research has also shown that plant protein extracted from green biomass via biorefining can replace imported soy. Furthermore, the establishment of local biorefineries will create growth in rural areas. Green biorefining is therefore relevant in relation to a number of European policies, initiatives and programmes. Among them the recent Farm to Fork strategy, the European Circular Economy Action and of course both the next research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, and the Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP).

This seminar will describe the disruptive potentials of new local biorefineries to contribute to EU self-sufficiency with plant protein and new biobased products while supporting EU policies on environment and climate.

For registration and further information, please visit https://cbio.au.dk/en/arrangementer/webinars-on-solutions-for-green-transition/green-deal/