Tourism WG

Green Week partner event: From policy to practice: knowledge-building for innovative and sustainable tourism in regions

Tourism is the fourth largest economic activity globally and it is among the fastest-growing economic sectors. But tourism growth comes at a cost. It is the fifth largest polluting industry. There is a need for a paradigm change from mass to environmentally conscious and sustainable tourism in natural and protected areas. At the heart of this transition lie: policy, technological and non-technological innovation, and measures bringing about behavioural change in tourists. The interactive session organised by the ERRIN Tourism WG will focus on these three components. After the institutional introduction, setting the scene at the European policy level, the regional good practices will span from inclusive policy making to concrete actions, whereby quadruple-helix actors will present what incentives can trigger positive behavioural change.   The draft agenda is now available in attachement. Please register by using the form below.