Mission Soil: lessons learned and upcoming opportunities

Mission Soil: lessons learned and upcoming opportunities

ERRIN Bioeconomy WG is organising an in-person meeting on 10 June 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00 to take stock of the latest developments on the Soil Mission.  
This meeting aims to facilitate an in-depth exchange among members about the EU Soil Mission, focusing on lessons learned and opportunities for member involvement. The Mission Soil Secretariat will present the outcomes of the first Living Labs calls and provide insights into future calls. The member-driven HuMUS project will share results from the cascade funding calls, which support 20 regions and municipalities in enhancing participatory governance methods and tools for soil quality and health governance. 
The recently launched SOILL-StartUp project, in which ERRIN is a partner, will also be presented, highlighting networking and capacity-building opportunities for members. ERRIN members will be invited to express their support needs, which will allow the SOILL-StartUp consortium to better tailor targeted support actions.  

Additionally, ERRIN members will showcase concrete examples of local policies and strategies in supporting soil health related challenges. ERRIN members and their stakeholders interested in sharing their examples during the upcoming meeting are invited to reach out to gianpiero.petruzziello@errin.eu by Thursday 30 May 2024, with a short description of the proposed example. To support actors from back home to get engaged in the discussion, the presentation can be done online. Learn more about the call for best practices here

The meeting will be held in person at the ERRIN Office (Rue du Luxembourg, 3, Brussels). Participants are invited to join the networking drinks after the meeting. 

To register, please click on the ‘register button’ on the right side of the page. Please note that you must be logged in to register for the meeting. Please see the final agenda attached.

This meeting is part of the ERRIN Bioeconomy WG's priority work stream to monitor the EU Soil Mission from 2021. In April 2023 ERRIN launched the Mission Soil Manifesto together with the European Commission and is actively involved in the SOILL-Startup project, supporting the implementation of the Living Labs funded within the Mission. Learn more about ERRIN’s involvement in the Soil Mission here