NEB Task Force meeting: NEB LAB From theory to practice

The ERRIN New European Bauhaus Task Force is organising an event “NEB Lab, From Theory to Practice," hosted by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen – South Tyrol on January 24th, from 14:30 to 17:00. This meeting will explore the innovative concepts and practical applications of the NEB Lab concept

The event will kick off with a warm welcome and networking opportunity over coffee at 14:30. 

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) will provide aintroduction to set the stage for the discussions to follow. The meeting will continue with the presentation of two community-led labs with a focus on the New European Bauhaus projects, featuring inspiring initiatives such as the New European Bauhaus of the Mountains and the anticipated New European Bauhaus of the Danube (TBC)

The second part of the meeting, with the title “Beyond the Lab label: what’s happening at the regional level”, will focus on local and regional initiatives that provide an insight on how the NEB Lab concept can be translated: A support service for local stakeholders? A project academy? A call for projects and activities? Let us know what worked for your region, the challenges you encountered and how you overcame them.