OASC Connected Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Conference

The CSSCC Conference 2023 is organised by the Open & Agile Smart Cities network (OASC), which is a focused effort – driven by cities, backed by industry – to establish a global smart city market based on simple standard mechanisms for interoperability and exchange of data, especially real-time data from connected devices since this is where the main challenges are. The event will take place at The Egg, Brussels, on the 17 and 18 January 2023.

It will be an opportunity for cities, regions and towns as well as national and international policy makers and businesses to connect to the forefront of human-centric societal development shaped by real-time connected technologies, markets and policy in the 21st century.

The upcoming conference will consist of the Community Day on the 17 January and the Conference Day on the 18 January. The Community Day is aimed at OASC’s members and partners (current and prospective) to get practical together, forming the basis for OASC’s strategy – what should the future OASC look like? After the Community Day sessions and working groups, we will head out for the traditional (self-paid) Community Dinner. The Conference Day on the 18th consists of many more focused sessions and workshops on cities and communities’ digital transformation, and it’s open for all to join.

The agenda for the Community Day and the Conference Day is centered around the title: "Collective Action in a Fragmenting World". The agenda for the Community Day is attached, the agenda for the Conference day will follow.

The Conference will have the following four thematic tracks:

- Tech
- Governance
- Impact
- Decision making

More information and registration here